Chromium Metal

Type: Local Named Scrap (Metal)

Chromium Metal is coveted almost religiously by Diesel Jocks and used in all sorts of vehicle and equipment building, and even in some brews, across Dominus Columbia. The clean shine it gives to vehicles sets it vastly apart from the countless other rust buckets that other Diesel Jocks call rides that litter the wasteland. When used in production of equipment and machines that require other metals it has been found that Chromium Metal allows the product to last longer than it normally would with regular maintenance, its resistance to corrosion and its durability has made it a popular choice for long term equipment and machine investment in The Bailey, even if it comes at a premium. Open Vein currently has the only known mine that excavates the metal on a regular basis as no other mines have managed to produce the sheer quantity that Open Vein has managed to seemingly monopolize.


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