Gilded Marble

Type: Local Named Scrap (Salvage)

Sourced from an unnamed quarry by the Calvert Administration, Gilded Marble has influenced the architecture and sculpture work of many projects across Dominus Columbia, for those who can afford it at least. Starkly white with rich, deep golden veins, this marble is prized by those that desire a more regal or imperial appearance in everything from jewelry to weaponry to masonry. Unfortunately, while the marble is difficult to source on a good day and is almost always of limited quantity, the process to excavate the marble is unique enough to almost be considered a talent in its own right. Attempting to excavate the marble incorrectly only causes it to become brittle and turn into something resembling dust.

Within The Bailey only a small handful of master salvagers know the correct process, and almost all of them are under contract with the Calvert Administration. While most people have traditionally used Gilded Marble as a way to show off their wealth, some unique properties have been observed over the past several years with it that has caused both a small stir in the scientific community and a small race in development, even so far as to turn Luckheed’s attention. Gilded Marble seems to be incredibly resistant to the effects of the mortis, making it a natural deterrent from zombies as well as a small handful of other notable related observations. Currently however the only known consistent source of Gilded Marble is the Calvert Administration, cementing their power near the top of the Senatorial food chain.


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