Glittering Stargrass

Type: Local Produce

From a glance it looks almost no different than regular water stargrass which can be commonly found underwater in the local tributaries, except for when the plant is shined directly with light it glitters. It's a rather difficult variant to locate, only found in some of the deepest parts of the surrounding bays and usually in waters infested with pirates and other inhospitable creatures. The scarcity of this plant and the natural difficulties surrounding harvesting it have discouraged many would-be gatherers from attempting to cultivate it in the wild. Most sources of Glittering Stargrass are grown in elaborate hydroponics bays, but even then they are grown with great difficulty. Last Hope is constantly on the lookout for this particular plant because it has become a key resource in their research efforts for medicines. Medical journals published by Last Hope have described the plant as holding properties that greatly aid in foreign substance acceptance with little to no rejection as well as a handful of other unique characteristics.



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