Hands System

In Dystopia Rising Maryland, Hands are an alternative system we use to gauge the carrying capacity of a character, or the carry weight of an item. Under normal circumstances, this is represented by a character having 2 Hands and being able to carry 2 Hands worth of items. Items which have a carry weight of at least 1 Hand must occupy at least 1 of the character's hands for mechanical purposes (so that hand cannot also be used to wield a weapon or make use of a skill while carrying such an item). Items, ZoMs, Traits, Abilities, and other effects may affect the efficiency or carrying power of Hands. A character who is at their maximum carrying capacity (usually 2 Hands) is under the effect of Slow. If you have more than 2 Hands of carrying capacity, you must use all of your physical hands in order to use that carrying capacity. Unless otherwise stated, humanoid-sized bodies (including corpses) have a carry weight of 2 Hands.

Certain resources, items, and other interactive components may require some amount of Hands in order to interact with or carry the item, such as a log requiring 1 Hand to carry or a large metal door requiring 4 Hands to open. The number of Hands will be indicated using a hand symbol on the information placard attached to the resource, item, or other interactive component. In the case of some items or interactive components requiring more hands than a single individual can provide, in most cases, multiple individuals can work together to interact with or carry an item.

Below are some examples of components that you might run across and their Hand carrying capacity or interaction requirement.

Unusual Plant (1/4)
Shiny Rock (1/2)
Corroded Metal Bar (1)
Body (2)
Open Large Steel Door (4)
Fallen Tree (5)
Roll Large Boulder (8)

Rusted Engine Block (12)


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