Kryptos Kumpania


Said to have emerged from one of DeeCee's strongest built buildings many years after the Fall, the people that would become known as the Kryptos Kumpania have been an integral part of the post-Fall communications and intelligence worlds since before the ashes were cool. Probably the most revered organization of Quiet Folk in the region, the Kumpania operates as both a business and an extended family unit, providing the many competing agencies of Dominus Columbia with countless scions to transform into the field agents and infiltrators needed in the countless shadow and proxy wars on the peripheries of DeeCee's influence.

Trained in stealth and infiltration techniques since birth, and deliberately raised in a way that inspires rivalry far more than fraternity in siblings, these professionals do not always make great teammates, but usually find inclusion anyway for their remarkable skills. The heavy emphasis on years of formative training does leave a sometimes overlooked mark however: The Kumpania do not take kindly to the SPECTRE Program's attempt to replace their trade with vat-grown mind-wipes, and are not shy of letting anyone they come across know it should the subject come up.

Costume and Roleplay Requirements

The Kumpania prides itself on its professional appearance, whatever that may happen to mean at the time. From the lowliest janitor to the most well-armored front-line soldier, a member of the Kumpania will find a way to look their best in whatever they need to wear. For many, this can become a bit of an obsession, as the propensity of the need for different sets of equipment across a longer assignment may sometimes mean wearing a formal tuxedo under a wetsuit, chafing be damned.


Don't Mind Me
  • You may take 10 Points (1.0 Level) of Exhaustion within 10 seconds of voluntarily leaving Stealth in order to immediately re-enter Stealth.
You can not use this ability if you have Level 8 Exhaustion or higher.
Parent Lineage
Quiet Folk
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