Peacekeeper Pure Blood


Descended from patrician political families, claimed by some going all the way to before the Fall, the Peacekeeper Pure Bloods consider themselves natural leaders of the settlements under their auspice. This ordained role is not one the Peacekeepers take on lightly, however, with members expected to act as exemplars of civic responsibility and noblesse oblige. Failure to keep up this appearance would tarnish their dynasty’s good standing among the senatorial set, and that simply will not do.

The Peacekeepers have cultivated a tradition of oratory and rhetoric, buoyed by a small measure of aberrant-empowered charisma, which they employ as negotiators, fixers, and diplomats throughout the Dee Cee region. Money is less important to Peacekeepers than reputation and social capital, or so they say at least. Not all of the Senators in the Dominus Columbia are called from among these well-heeled kin, but names like Calvert, Carol, and the Kenedii are spoken often in the halls of power.

Costume and Roleplay Requirements

Peacekeepers know as well as any Pure Blood that presentation is everything. The performance of statecraft is one that requires many costume changes, and Peacekeepers have distinct outfits for every occasion. No matter the guise they will always display a token of their pedigree, whether it be a signet ring, a patch with their coat of arms, or even the flash of a signature fabric pattern.


    • You may take 10 Points (1.0 Level) of Exhaustion to call "Line of Sight - Fear, 5 Seconds"
    • You may take 30 Points (3.0 Levels) of Exhaustion to call "Area of Effect - Psionic Compulsion: No Aggressive Action for 1 Minute".
    • Once per event you may take 50 Points (5.0 Levels) of Exhaustion to call "By my Voice - Psionic Compulsion: No Aggressive Action for 1 Minute". For 1 minute a Target of this ability cannot voluntarily engage in combat nor will they pursue fleeing enemies, though the may still defend themselves.
You can not use this ability if you have Level 8 Exhaustion or higher.
Parent Lineage
Pure Blood
Related Locations


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