Red Milkweed

Type: Local Named Herb

Located commonly in Zekiah Swamp, it is referred to by the locals as Bloodweed for its blood red hue and the fact that it seems to grow on everything, even the Zed. Several families of Swampwalkers have made a living by risking their lives to brave the swamp and collect the herbs to sell on the open market. As dangerous as it might be, many companies will gladly buy up all the stocks of Red Milkweed that are harvested from the swamp. While it might seem easier to just grow the herbs rather than collect it in civilized society, it has been found to be rather difficult to copy the exact environmental conditions of Zekiah Swamp to cultivate them in mass quantities. The herbs have long boasted very effective rejuvenating properties and have become widely used as a cultural cure-all in the South Bailey, whether it cures the actual issue, or not.



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