Universal Faiths Chapel

The Collected Faiths of The Bailey have offered t oassist inthe construction of an all-faiths chapel, complete with a small shrine to each of the Faiths commonly practiced in the Bailey (and an altar to community spirit and good conduct, on account of the Unionist Red Stars). This place will serve both as a place of worship, but also as a place for spiritual wellbeing and community spirit.  

PFA: Mind Killer

By spending 1 Resolve to activate Master Mental Endurance (must have the skill) and spending the appropriate time within this space, the Mind Killer may instead channel the use of that ability into one of two abilities instead:
  • Immediately Call "Area of Effect: Downsurge: Lose access to all Aberrant abilities. You do not count as Aberrant."
  • Gain one use of a White Packet Attack with the effect "Impose Downsurge: Lose access to any Aberrant abilities. You do not count as Aberrant." If this Attack is not used by the next 12s or 4 hours (whichever is longer), it is lost.

PFA: Mentalist

By spending 1 Resolve and 10 minutes meditating in the space, a Mentalist may gain "Upsurge: Focused Pressure". During Focused Pressure, you may expend the Upsurge to call "By My Voice: Takedown. Area of Effect: Knockback 10" once.

PFA: Though Bender

By spending 1 Resolve and 10 minutes meditating in the space, a Thought Bender may gain "Upsurge: Perpared Escape". During Prepared Escape, if you would die, you instead lose all remaining Resolve (gaining a Fracture), and are ejected violently from the Morgue at full Body, Mind and without any Infection Loss.

PFA: Aposticarian Templar

By spending 1 Resolve and 1 Minute giving a brief rousing speech to your assembled about sallying forth on a crusade against the threats to civilization (flavored however is appropriate to your Character and Faith) you may call "By My Voice: All Allies Within Chapel - Upsurge: Strikes swing {Undead/Raider/Critter} Bane, 10 Minutes"

PFA: Doctrinarian

By expending 1 Resolve when activating any Faithful skill that affects multiple Targets, you may extend the effects to all members of your Faith within the Chapel.

PFA: Pernicious Saviour

You may expend 5 Mind administering a brief protective prayer over a member of your Faith to grant them "Upsurge: The next time you would enter Bleed Out, Heal 1 Body."

PFA: Life-Binder

Once per event, by expending 1 Resolve and registering with Public Works, Life-Binders may receive a single-use Life-Binding Permit.

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