History of DownShift

  • 2000


    The Shift Begins
    Era beginning/end

    -Gradual worsening of the world economy, global recession, the collapse of the Asian markets, prices continue to rise with unchecked inflation, while employment and wages lag far behind. The rich-poor gap widens.

  • 2056


    The Peak of Humanity and Humanness
    Scientific achievement

    The Pinnacle-Cures for AIDS and many other sexually transmitted diseases are discovered by genetic researchers, prompting a population explosion that far exceeds the post-war baby boom of the 1950s. Cures for many cancers are discovered, greatly lengthening the expected human lifespan.

  • 2060


    Discovery, Scientific

    Upshift (2060-2070) -Mechanization of agriculture is seen as the only means to increase food production enough to meet demand and prevent widescale starvation. The automated Agri-factories are created. As jobs dry up in rural areas people's populations move into urban areas in greater and greater numbers. Massive super-city "Arcologies" are formed over the next few years. Nationalization of commercial trucking and most forms of freight and shipping is enacted at the protests of Unions worldwide, massive crash programs are enacted, building countless superhighways, seaports, airports, bus terminals, railway lines, and other transportation routes, to maximize the efficiency of transportation and freight.

  • 2100

    Populations Soar
    Life, Milestone

  • Global population is estimated at over 9 billion people worldwide, far more than any analyst had predicted
  • 2100


    The Novel Viral Escalation
    Plague / Epidemic

    Severe plagues continually ravage the most densely populated countries such as China, India, Pakistan, much of Africa, much of Southeast Asia, and most of Mexico, Central, and South America.  

  • Widespread famine throughout the Third World nations of the world as population levels swell far beyond the capacity to feed their people.
  • -The African Collapse occurs, with nation after nation being torn asunder with food riots, demonstrations, coups, revolution, and brushfire border wars with neighboring countries. UN security forces are unable to prevent the collapse, and anarchy sweeps the African continent.

  • 2150


    Food Shortages Expand Globally

  • The Mexican-American Food War breaks out as Mexican armed forces invade the Midwestern United States after hordes of starving refugees are prevented from entering the US by force. The conflict lasts several months with Mexican forces seizing several stockpiles of US grain and food before US forces drive them out. Other border wars and skirmishes continue to break out across the globe, mainly repeating the same pattern of refugee armies attacking their more affluent neighbors in order to seize vital resources.
  • 2158


    Refugee Revolt
    Geological / environmental event

  • Crippling resource shortages around the world cause many nations to nationalize the remaining resources and enact strict rationing of critical supplies such as food, fuel, medicine, and so forth. Massive rioting and civil unrest prompt the issuance of severe martial law in most urban areas, with local police supported by the national guard and military units.
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