Cudgel Character in Dragonlance | World Anvil
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Ridomir “Cudgel” Ironsmile hails from the dwarven nation of Kayolin, south of Solamnia. For most of her life, she adventured with Becklin and Ispin, earning the nickname Cudgel along the way. She now commands her own company of mercenaries known as the Ironclad Regiment. Though small, the company has built a reputation for beating the odds, largely thanks to her adroit leadership. Beyond a life of fighting, the middle-aged Dwarf is a gifted card player. She also has a soft spot for Vogler, which she swears serves the best fish pies in Solamnia.   Cudgel is very friendly with the Heroes of Kalaman, considering herself their ally. She perhaps often takes it too far with Harrod Hamstrom, flirting with him, making the paladin uncomfortable, and angering his fiance, Niwyn Lastriver.
Status: Active
Disposition: Ally
Species: Mountain Dwarf

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