Gods of Neutrality in Dragonlance | World Anvil
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Gods of Neutrality

The neutral gods of Krynn vary widely in their motivations and methods. Some are passive and distant, dedicated to recording the actions of mortals or upholding the balance between societies and nature. Others take a more active hand, injecting chaos and innovation into mortal life. Unlike the gods of good and evil, the neutral gods have little interest in the struggle over mortal destinies.  


The god of knowledge and nominal leader of the neutral gods, Gilean embodies the ideal of neutrality. He stands back and observes, recording all that unfolds. Gilean is keeper of the Tobril, a book that contains all the knowledge of the gods, though portions are sealed to all but Gilean. Some people believe the scribe Astinus of Palanthas to be Gilean in human form.  


Chislev is the god of nature on its own terms, governing the rhythms of life that unfold heedless of mortal action. Though enigmatic and shy, they fiercely protect their domain, regarding all plants and animals as their children. Chislev’s followers are often hermits, druids, and others who revere nature without asking anything in return.  


Lunitari, the god of neutral magic and illusions, is patron of the Mages of High Sorcery’s Order of the Red Robes and other neutral mages. With her cousins Solinari and Nuitari, she watches over the people of Krynn from the heavens, conveying her power through the red moon that shares her name. She appears as a trickster figure in mythology, using her mastery of illusions to fool gods and heroes alike.  


Reorx is the god of creation, inspiration, and artisanship, credited with creating the gnomes, dwarves, kender, and even Krynn itself. He invents new things that alter the world and spur people to action.  


Shinare is the god of wealth, industry, and commerce. Though many of her followers are merchants, her influence spans legitimate and underhanded transactions alike, and she receives occasional worship from thieves. Despite this, most consider her a god of fair dealing; supplicants pray she favors them as they bargain.  


Passionate and impulsive, Sirrion is the god of alchemy, transformation, serendipitous creation, and flames. He embodies momentary excitement, flaring quickly into fiery passion and smoldering long afterward. Sirrion’s followers embrace extremes of emotion as forms of divine expression.  


Where Gilean embodies knowledge, Zivilyn exemplifies the calm wisdom necessary to wield it. He’s said to exist in all times and places, possessing the collected wisdom of every plane of existence. Zivilyn often attracts the worship of eccentrics, philosophers, and sages.


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