Hallowed Beasts Myth in Draguna | World Anvil

Hallowed Beasts

Honestly, I saw her standing on the lake! Her eyeless gaze and translucent posture. She sent chills down my spine. She looked like my sister, Rosanna. Oh, I miss her. Why is she lingering here and not with the gods?
— A man at the Itchy Swallow Pub in Vallonmere described the Spirit he saw upon the lake. Though nobody believed him, when they checked, they only saw mist above the lake that night. But was he telling the truth, or was he drunk?
According to Maran beliefs, Hallowed Beasts are entropic beings from the Hallowed Heavens. Even though people may claim to have encountered such beings, there is yet to be any recorded truth on the matter. Whenever someone claims to have seen a spirit wandering in the forests, it always appears to be only them who have seen it. Alas these creatures feature in many tales, and Marans believe these creatures are difficult to encounter as it is the Rangers of Celestia who are protecting them from such horrors.

The Rangers of Celestia

Lead by Dahara, Goddess of the Senses and Karael, Goddess of the Hunt and Harvest, the Rangers protect the gods and their people from the creatures of the Hallowed Realms.

List of Hallowed Beasts


Blackened soul creatures who avoid the sunlight when the Blue Sun is the largest sun, as the power of this sun kills them. Therefore they only come out when it is night, the Crimson years or lurk within the shadows where the blue Sun doesn't shine.   Spotting a vampire is difficult, as many vampires are Human. Many Marans believe Vampirism is a curse by K'tash, God of Night, though there are no scriptures or Sages claiming this is true. Thus adding to the ever extending mystery of these, hopefully, mythical creatures.   For more information, read Vampirism


These nightly beasts live to sate their everlasting hunger. It is told, these creatures take the form of a Human then suddenly their bodies change into a large beast. This beast can be a wolf, bear, lynx, or any other creature one would see out in the wilderness. The most defining aspect of these beasts is their rabid animal behaviour starving for nourishment.   Marans who dare to wander the wilderness prey for the protection of the Rangers, so they do not encounter these monsters themselves.   For more information, read Lycanthropy.

Soul Eaters

The most feared, as they do the one thing Marans dread. Tales tell the horrors of these creatures lurking within the shadows, as they stalk their prey. Then once their target is alone and unexpecting, these being sap the entire living Essence of their prey. They eat their souls, leaving an empty lifeless body; drained from all of its life and colour.   An eaten Soul is the most feared, as an eaten soul cannot be passed on to Celestia to complete the cycle of the Soul. A soulless Maran cannot enter the house of the Gods, as their essence is lost forever.   For more information, read Soulless.



Witches appear male or female, young or old. They disguise themselves to be able to become part of the populous, as Witches are not Human. In fact, they are humanoid creatures, with charcoal skin and slender body shape. These creatures are genderless in nature, and they hunger for essence as their souls are filled only with pure entropy.   It is said, Witches are only killed by fire which is often the end of a poor soul if accused of witchcraft.   For more information, read Witchcraft.

The Undead

These are creatures who have risen from the dead. If a soul is trapped inside a body, as they have not been passed on correctly; their Essence will leak from their soul. Essence is then replaced with Entropy, dark energy from the Hallowed Realms. When this happens a dead body can rise once more, to live a life of hunger and torment.   Marans prevent a person rising from the dead, the deceased soul must be passed on correctly. This can be done either simply, and more commonly by, cremation upon a pyre. Burial with a headstone also works.   For more information, read Undead.


Bodiless souls, trapped in Draguna for many reasons. Perhaps the deceased has died under dire circumstances and must see that justice is done to their killer. Others claim these are just Ghosts who desire only to haunt and torment those they see, though Marans believe there would have to be some reason to this, as a soul's wish is to be passed onto the gods to complete the cycle.   It is often the task of a Ranger to aid the pass over for the trapped soul.   For more information read The Soul.


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