BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 18: Resting in Riverwind

General Summary

On this episode of Dream Thieves...  

Downtime activities

  Zanuriel talked to Gervil about the cursed mourning necklace found in Willoughby cemetery. Gervil determined that you either have to embrace the darkness or have the item exorcized.   Azriel opened the oil cloth bag and found a baby demon, who was crying. His demon pup whirred with excitement, and the two began playing together.   Gervil read Gino's journal and discovered he has familial issues with his father. He was tracking the dream thieves throughout the world on behalf of his father's orders. He was there to protect the girl that was talking to Tristian Hannah, whom he had some form of prior relationship with. Gervil also discovered that Gino's Father's house moves in some unknown fashion.   The team read through the Project Spring research notes. The document revealed evidence of an exercise that was performed at the Sea Maidens Faire, a festival that occurs in the center of the Gilded Alliance. And, it just so happened to be in season right now, the faire is open!   Torrentous spoke to Amelia about his divining rod. She used her tools to calibrate the device returning it an operational state. The divining rod can detect the when clockwork soldiers are nearby.   Gervil gave Virgil's hand to Azriel to feed to the dog, but the bone was too hard to eat so Gervil got it back.  

Coming Downstairs

  Our heroes first talked to Gino, who was waiting in an antechamber. They had many questions on his behavior these past months. He came clean on why he was tracking them, saying that it was his father's wishes. Gino's father is the Illusion mage and member of the wizards four. He extended a formal invitation to his father's house, giving them a clue to "find the merchant and the thief at Timber Brook." The heroes, still mad at Gino but curious at how his father could help them, considered the offer.   The team spoke to Auclaire family, still resting on the 1st floor. When trying to get answers, the father got angry and asked Jessa what she had told these "strangers". With some convincing, he opened up and shared some of the past relationship with Araby, how he was a researcher in his manufacturing group, how his son had started working for him but discovered more than he should have about level 3 armatures. The father still thinks his son is dead, but the heroes told him otherwise. Eventually, he told them that Stockton Araby was born and raised in Bradbureigh, a company secret for Araby wanted to be known as coming from Union.   Father Auclaire gave them two names of people trapped at the manufacturing plat, Colton Greenwood the foreman and Danica Stern, administrative staff, that could help them.   The heroes poke to Baroness von Schrader who discussed the house and its condition. She shared how she met Gildur and the Dream Thieves, how Gildur found her wounded on the field of battle between angel and devils, helping bring her back to health.   Baroness mentioned the existence of a Dream Builder that can construct more rooms for them in Riverwind. They'll need to collect [still unnamed dream currency] to fund these additions to their home.   Kyrie said thank you to Azriel, invited him to visit her and her son in training in Skelig, a rural town in Morgehn. She added its location to his map.   Amelia and Jacques had looked at The Boy. Some diagnostics showed that he was prototype level 3 armature for Araby, also has a relationship with Fionna Wynne. In order to revive him, they'll need a collection of research whose last known whereabouts were the Araby Manufacturing plant.   Aetha went onto her balcony and listened to the voices of dreamers all around the world. She can quietly interact with them through calling out to them.   Gervil and Torrentous joined them, Torrentous told the team about how he lost his parents in union who were visiting the temple. He was playing hooky in a bar. He met Deedee, a young woman while he was playing and they became fast friends, and have known each other since.  


  Gildur gave the heroes dreamcatchers for their bedrooms. If they hung the device on their wall while they were sleeping, they'd be more likely to have a calm, uninterrupted sleep without "strange guests" entering their dreams from the infinite dream space Riverwind resided in. All heroes except for Zanuriel chose to leave the dreamcatcher down for their first night's sleep.   Gervil dreamed that Aetha was covered in the dark black ooze associated with Virgil's transformation. Azriel dreamed of an impossible to open fifty lock treasure chest. Torrentous dreamed of two giant angels fighting on a desolate battleground. The angels looked down and asked for his hand, and he offered one to both of them. Aetha dreamed of the bird that asked for death, to "finish the job" and Fiero, the bard, who said, "Don't let it consume you."  

The Dream Thieves Next Assignment

  After many requests from the heroes, Jacques acquiesced and told his whole story. He secretly watched his father's research, learned about armatures on his own and then began working with him. When his father couldn't figure out the final pieces of forming level 3 armatures, he experimented on himself to prove that you can create intelligent constructs without capturing souls. Instead, he'd use his own and retain his free will and consciousness. However, there was still a price to be paid. Jacques doesn't age, doesn’t need to sleep or eat.   The heroes were adamant that Jacques consider reconnecting with his family, but he refused. They invited him to send a letter instead, and for the father to do the same, to reconnect. He told them that seeing them again would put them in great danger.   Gildur gathered the heroes together and briefed them on their next mission. The next step in restoring peace to the world was to destroy the evils that were afflicting each of the nations. The first, here in the Gilded Alliance, was to eliminate Sleepwalker, the mysterious entity that was holding Stockton Araby hostage inside the Clockwork Dragon.   Gildur explained that, based on his discoveries so far, the evil entity, whoever they may be, is physically hiding in the dream of the captured man. In order to reach them, they'll need to utilize a "dream door", a portal that can take our heroes from the dream space of one person to another. But in order to reach Sleepwalker, they'll need to perform a "full dive" and jump into the dream physically. But they'd have to be careful, for if you die in the dream during a full dive, there is no coming back.   Gildur also explained that whoever was chosen as anchor for the dream dive, the prior dream thief that used their bangle would be likely to enter and assist them.  

Opening Dream Doors

  Dream Doors have three criteria to open. First, you'll need to know the nature of the relationship between the two people, whether it’s a positive or negative relationship. In the dream, you'll need to raise or lower the dream stability to recreate the emotional environment of the relationship.   Second, you'll need to ascertain an important location that was meaningful to both people. That spot is where the dream door will be located.   Finally, you'll need an item that was meaningful to both individuals, bring it to the location while the dream stability is in the correct level, and the door will appear and open.   The heroes will need to find who Stockton Araby is dreaming about, and that information may be possible if they traveled to his hometown, Bradbureigh.   Gildur mentioned that there was a way to manifest physical items out of dreams, but they'd need additional training in order to make this possible. His brother Arno can teach them how to take items out of a full dream dive if they could locate him. Arno, a blacksmith, was stationed near a quarry in the north eastern part of the continent.   Our heroes decided that their next step would be to travel to Bradbureigh, and their first step along that road was passing by the alliance college of Bards....   What's in store for our heroes along the road to Bradbureigh? Find out in the next exciting episode of Dream Thieves!
Dream Thieves
Aeða Mɛlñɛriæn
Azriel Carynthian
Zanuriel Leafbreeze
Torentous Tenaysius
Gervil Norev
Report Date
18 Mar 2024

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