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Session 20: Auditions and Kidnappings

General Summary

Session 20 Summary On this dastardly daring episode of Dream Thieves…

The Plot Thickens

  Gervil found his way into the headmaster’s office, only to discover that it had been ransacked! Furniture was turned over and papers scattered everywhere. Gervil found more communications that added to the earlier findings about the Moonlight Collective needing research subjects. He also found a book of rare magic, a leather seal keeping the book closed. Gervil decided to keep it closed for the time being.
  Aetha visited the music room and met Lily Highwind, an instructor and coach for the musicians in residence at the college. The two formed a song together in wonderful harmony.

Acing the Audition

  Our heroes gathered inside of the audition room where the college instructors were gathering all interested students who were interested in participating in the day’s performances (and to be eligible for the three prizes the Emmisaries had brought with them from Bradbureigh.)
  Zanuriel spoke with Winterlain about how to best secure the part of Wise Man Winterlain and received advice in turn.
  Azriel spoke to Winterlain, another instructor, who had a satchel full of radishes with him. Still on the hunt for his own faithful radish, Winterlain mentioned that he grew radishes in the rear courtyard near the North West corner. Azriel investigated and found strange bite marks strewn across a number of the radishes still growing in the patch. His totally normal radish was nowhere to be found.
  After heroic efforts, Aetha was awarded the Sea Maiden Part, Gervil received Hokey the Tinkerer, Zanuriel received Wise Man Winterlain, and Torrentous got the Jealous Princess. After auditions when talking to Kara Moon, an instructor, she mentioned in passing that she had witnessed Gervil entering the Headmaster’s room. This may have been through the mechanical device found on the reverse of the door.

Another Attempt at Sabotage

  During the audition, Gervil caught one of the young women attempting to place an enfeeblement sigil in his back pocket. She was caught, and revealed that she had been paid by Starcatcher, the fox tailed woman guarding the gate in the front courtyard. The heroes let her go after her admission, but Zanuriel quietly followed her.
  The woman reconvened in the front courtyard, and reported that she’d done as she asked and that Starcatcher leave her alone. Starcatcher leapt onto the roof, causing Zanuriel to throw his Mythril Mice up in chase. When they didn’t return, Zanuriel made his way onto the roof himself.
  Starcatcher was waiting for him, and there was an epicly cool fight. Zanuriel and Starcatcher traded blow for blow, but in the end Zanuriel was able to cause her retreat. She didn’t take a second moment to push her own partner, the juggling man previously standing in the west courtyard, off the roof as she leapt away. Gervil, running outside in support, attempted to trap Starcatcher’s escape with a levitation spell, but she managed to run out of reach in the nick of time.
  Aetha went to the library to meet with Tania Tremain. She was looking for Fiero but couldn’t find him even in his quarters. When Aetha mentioned that Kara Moon had been in the headmaster’s office, Tania, shocked, walked in to confront her. When she didn’t return, Aetha opened the door and found Tania had vanished! Investigation led to the discovery of a hidden doorway underneath the desk.

The Missing Headmaster

  Heroes gave chase down the secret passage and discovered Kara, at her wits end, had Tania restrained with a dagger pointing straight towards her neck. They were standing over the dead body of a man. The headmaster that had gone missing lay at their feet, having befallen a tragic end. The party managed to get the best of Kara and take her out, freeing Tania without harm. They also found the real Lily Highwind tied up nearby, making the woman in the music room an imposter, or worse.
  Returning to the college interior, our heroes ran to interrogate the false Lily Highwind, but upon reentering the music room they discovered that she’d gone. Tania thanked the party for helping her escape and ending the search for the headmaster, but who had killed him? Was it Kara or someone else? It wasn’t yet clear.
  Free to continue searching for threats, Zanuriel inspected the statue outside and discovered a secret lever that, when moved in the right sequence, revealed a secret stone chest inside the men’s bathroom. Azriel, having gone in, discovered the chest and opened it. He also checked on that…um..bathroom guy? That was in the bathroom a long time? He was fine.
  Fearing for the safety of the luminaries, our heroes took preventative measures to ensure the play was protected. They moved the stage to the front of the college, tasking Navarine the head of security and her staff to protect both the front and back pathways. They disarmed a series of snare traps that Gervil discovered underneath the platform.
  Azriel, who wasn’t participating in the play, took up hiding in the Dodo tree in front and readied himself for whatever action may come.
  Will their performance go off without a hitch? Or are there more threats yet undiscovered? Find out next time on Dream Thieves!
Dream Thieves
Aeða Mɛlñɛriæn
Azriel Carynthian
Zanuriel Leafbreeze
Torentous Tenaysius
Gervil Norev
Report Date
13 Apr 2024

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