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Aevra T'lor

Aevra T'lor

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Aevra has the lithe build of a runner.

Facial Features

Lightly freckled cheekbones accenting her amber eyes.

Special abilities

Whether she's manipulating the mind of her mark or channeling subtle (but effective) psionics, she's always ready.

Apparel & Accessories

Always dresses for the occasion, using a variety of mundane and magical disguises to blend in anywhere.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aevra T'lor, not her first name, and certainly not her last, was born into lesser nobility in Waterdeep. Wealthy enough to have an easy life but not much past that. Her father, a trader in spices and wines, owed his rise to power to another noble family, one with a less than desirable reputation. It wasn't until she grew older that Aevra started to piece together some things that didn't quite sit well with her. Back-alley talks and clandestine meetings with other nobles, whatever her father was up to, it wasn't good. With her curiosity piqued she had little choice but to investigate further.   So she started trailing her father whenever he 'snuck' out of the house. Aevra assumed he was sleeping around, but the truth was much, much worse. Ritualistic sacrifice to fiends, notable faces all around town in attendance. Shocked and horrified, she knew she had to do something about it.

Gender Identity



Demisexual Lesbian


Employed by Driftriver's BASE and a member of the harpers.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Exposed group of devil worshippers in Waterdeep, her father included.

Mental Trauma

Trust issues derived from her father's betrayal.

Morality & Philosophy

Believes that power corrupts and that it's her duty to depose the unjusts and tyrants of the world.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Aevra was raised from a young age to be able to talk her way around any problem she may face. Though this pointed childhood has left her lacking in physical contests.


Aevra prefers to keep herself as clean as possible.

An adept infiltrator skilled in the art of espionage, information gathering, and hiding in plain sight.

Current Location
Icewind Dale
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Neutral Good
Date of Birth
1st of Mirtul
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
146 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Kor, Thieve's Cant and Elvish

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