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Alfonso's Beer and Cheer

This rather unseemly little staircase entrance stands facing the river in Northbank, a fair few steps from the center of the district. A dingy wooden sign hangs off the building overtop of this basement bar - simply announcing it's presence: 'Alfonso's Beer and Cheer' - with a badly painted grinning goblin face on the sign's two faces to provide some context of what one might be getting into downstairs.   Proceeding down the narrow wooden steps, they switchback into a warm, if only dimly lit interior below. A bit dank and musty, the air is ripe with woodsmoke, the remenants of spilled drinks over many years, and the faintest hint of smokepowder lingering under it all. A fairly typical wooden bar dominates the western wall, almost always staffed by a squat green-skinned figure with a very sharp toothed grin. Pointy eared, and beady eyed, Alfonso can often be seen polishing his pistol more oft than bar glasses, but is quick to offer up a drink to any wandering into the poorly attended bar, or perhaps other services should an individual be apt to know what that could mean!   Drinks are priced on the wall, fair, if on the expensive side, and the common room is filled with a series of wooden tables and chairs in more or less functional condition, candles lit amongst the rafters and a fire always crackling in it's place set in the wall beside the entrance stairs. A back room behind the bar contains a functional, if rarely used little prep kitchen, and there seems not to be much more to this dingy little dive bar.   However, those that pay attention around Driftriver can find a few transient individuals that pass through this bar, often having short side conversations with Alfonso or one another, before going on their way. If nothing else, the Beer and Cheer seems to be a place for quick drinks and quick tips, if you've got the coin to lubricate a conversation!

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