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Avah Maxim

The Bottomless Bombardier Avah Maxim

Keywords Demolition, Pyrotechnics, Military, Soldier, Explosives, Technology, Artificer Major Themes Weapons Systems, Flying Bomber, Rough Rider, Work Hard Party Hard Goals "I might be in my own afterlife, so I may as well make the best of the situation. I need to find a new team. I'm no good without struture, comrades in arms and a commanding officer. I'd like to get airborne again, I miss the hum of airship engines. This city is in dire need of modernization... even if they just built it. I'd like to find a wife to keep the hearth warm. I've sown my wild oats." Development Arc Avah is looking for a military team to belong to. She's only ever fit in at a single type of environment and thrives on structure. While a deeply talented woman who is eminently capable in her field she has no discipline in getting her chores, exercise, or other basic facets of life handled with proper punctuality and care. Avah will either grow to become sloppy and messy, which will reflect in her appearance growing disheveled and reflect in weight gain or she will find purpose and practicality and keep herself together. Personality Traits "I'm always hungry and it is always time to eat. If I don't eat I lose motivation quickly. If I lose my motivation I won't get my duties done. So it is my duty to eat. I work up an appetite very quickly. Brain work is especially likely to whet my appetite! I trust my gut instinct. Actually I listen to my gut a lot in general." Ideals "You have to work to eat. Society is built in a way for us to provide for each other. (Lawful) No one should go hungry or needy. (Good) Society is built on a contract. We all chip in and we all benefit. Some of us have special needs, but we can all work together to make sure things keep working." Bonds "I have the schematics for an invention that I hope to build one day, once I have the necessary resources. It is a fuel powered airship engine. My background is militaristic. I need a commanding officer and a routine to be the best version of myself I can be." Flaws "I eat twice as much as anyone else and I can't stop myself from being greedy with food. I lack fine control of my firepower and my arsenal often goes past surgical precision into indiscriminate obliteration." Role they fill in a group Offensive Support, AoE Damage Dealer, Mobile Artillery OOC What kind of games do you like? Rate the following 1-7, 1 being most Storytelling 6 Problem Solving 1 Exploring 3 Acting 7 Instigating 5 Fighting 2 Optimizing 4 Species Race Tiefling Subrace Winged Clan or Subdivision Feral (Unaffiliated) Alignment Orderliness Avah tends toward lawful and orderly structures, which she thrives on. Places that operate based on clear logical rules and work with machine-like precision in which individuals are best defined by their ranks, roles and purposes are the easiest for her to navigate. She struggles in confusing situations where social value or norms are relative or unclear. Goodness Avah believes in the goodness of the mission. Having a goal set out for her with clear and obvious benefits for both herself and others makes it easy for her to operate. Avah has general good will towards others and is willing to put her life on the line to ensure that missions go successfully. She very much sees herself as the type who can't make normal life work but who won't let anyone take it away from others. Locus of Motivation Avah is externally motivated, particularly by authority figures and and individuals she deeply respects. She constantly seeks to prove herself in the mission, or to prove herself worthy of her position and wholesome in her lifestyle, even it is very alternative. Social Investment Avah is deeply invested in the concept of society as something worth protecting on a macro-scale. On a micro-scale Avah recognizes that as a member of an exceptionally rare race, and also one that is exclusively interested in woman as partners that she is someone who will not be able to find the same belonging as others. That doesn't stop her from wanting a nice life with a wife and a warm home.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Health & Fitness Avah is a large full-figured woman with a powerfully built physique including a pair of impressively broad shoulders. She has the muscles of a person who trains intensively and handles heavy equipment, as well as quite a few extra pounds of curves and padding due to her choice in diet. She prefers the word 'robust.' Abnormalities & Illnesses Avah is a winged tiefling, with large scaly black wings reminescent of black-blue leather sprouting from her shoulderblades. Avah's skin is creamy and nearly human in coloration, if not a bit ruddy in complexion, but she has multiple cobalt blue eruptions of horn-like material along the lines where her skeleton is most prominent and where it touches the skin. Avah is somewhat self-conscious of these eruptions and carries a few extra pounds to keep the condition under control.

Body Features

Body Shape Avah is decidedly plus size. She has large breasts, which are highlighted by her broad shoulders which give her upper-body a masculine looking silhouette. She has curvy hips and long legs yet she still often enhances her height with heels. Body Features Avah's most distinguishing characteristics are the horny eruptions throughout her form. They are most commonly found along her jawline, in the major horns on her skull, at her elbows, her knuckles, her knees and her toes. These eruptions are similar to animal horns in that they appear to be primarily formed of kerratin and colored by her hair's pigmentation.

Facial Features

Facial Features Avah has three horns on her head, two appearing symmetrically from above her ears up to her temples and growing with an elbow like bent parallel to her gaze. She also has an additional horn growing from the center of her forehead that if unmaintained grows into an upwards curved horn similar to to a tusk. Avah files her forehead horn down to a very low level, erupting only a few millimeters from her face and then polishes it so it appears jewel like. Hairstyle Avah has a long and loose bob hairstyle that she keeps chin-length when in good discipline. Her hair grows very quickly, perhaps as part of the way her body maintains her horns and she often loses track of it. Her hair is surprisingly resistant to flames and heat. Facial Hair None

Identifying Characteristics

Identifying Features Avah is immediately identifiable by her unusual horns, her large scaly black-leather wings and her unusual glasses which are notably out of place in Faerun.

Physical quirks

Physical Quirks Avah looks far too big to be able to fly under her own power, especially when geared with her normal complement. A great deal of Avah's training goes into ensuring she can perform physically. She moves and walks heavily and seems to expect others to make way for her rather than being the one who steps aside.

Special abilities

Talents Avah has a knack for things of the mechanical, chemical and mathematical naure. She enjoys working with machines, particularly ones which operate on physical principles over magical ones. Physiological Avah is especially large for her kind, and is gifted with a powerful body which is capable of taking flight with her large wings. She has above average balance and toughness thanks to her constant physical training. She seemingly powers the engine of her body with the constant consumption of food. Social Avah is socially outspoken and simplistic in her way of speech and talking. She gets along well with blue collar individuals in cities, particularly craftspeople and laborers. She does not fit in well in most social circles. Spiritual Avah has no spiritual capabilities or talents. Her bloodline has some fiendish influence but she embraces her hot blooded feelings with open arms. She owes no allegiance to any gods currently. Magical Avah is a spellcaster who is particularly attuned to the elements of fire, and thunder. She is also a capable caster for spells involving lightning, cold, and acid. She accomplished her spellcasting through the use of a modular weapons system, with many of the subsystems feeding into or enhancing each other when combined in new ways.

Apparel & Accessories

Style Avah dresses in thick and tough clothing in general, which tends to pad out her silhouette even more. She wears military style equipment that is typically of a very masculine design. Clothing Avah's primary uniform is from her days in the bomb squad. The dense protective fabric swaddles her body and allows her to insert a number of armored plates to improve the defense offered. When not on a demolition mission she will wear a simple uniform top, though she will often contrast this with a skirt and very tall boots. Identifiers Avah's only constant are her trademark glasses. She does wear the badge of her old squad proudly, the Izzet Demolition Team D8 a.k.a. "The Black Berets." She has recently begun to work for B.A.S.E. and carries their badge, but does not display it prominently. Accessories Avah often accessorizes by bringing one of a number of small RX Land Runner systems along with her. These little constructs assist her in a multitude of ways. She rarely wears any type of jewerly or traditional accessory, as these types of objects aren't mission critical. Casual Clothes When off duty she can be found wearing heavy canvas pants along with simple shirts and leather jackets, or a long skirt with a sweater or the like. Avah can also be seen wearing sleeveless tops and tight fighting clothes when working out at the gym.

Specialized Equipment

Weapons Avah's weapons are a number of highly adaptable modular weapon systems which can be recombined to produce varied effects. Powered by her plurifuel reservoir, a tank of pressurized combustible fluid, these weapons can be adapted to produce a wide number of effects. The tank itself is made of an Izzet alloy to prevent potential explosions. Avah can also tinker together minor magic weapons in a pinch. Armor Avah wears a dense gambeson made of synthetic fibers designed to protect her from shrapnel, heat, cold and other environmental dangers. The gambeson has a number of insertable polyceramic plates which offer additional protection against concussive force and most traditional weapons. The armor is heavily customized to her body and loadout, specifically to permit her wings to propel her in flight and to attach and support her equipment. Tools Avah has a large number of pouches, pockets, compartments and other storage areas throughout her oversized suit. She carries tools for brewing, cooking, smithing, tinkering, woodworking and a number of all purpose multitools including a pick system and bomb defusal kit. In addition to this are an array of components necessary to power her magical weapon systems, as well as the components to deploy RX Land Runner systems. Special Items Avah's favorite things are most of her clothes from home. To her they are irreplaceable in this world, or afterlife, or whatever it is. Besides this she deeply favors her glasses as they are something she has long been attached and accustomed to having with her. Spellcasting Focus Avah's spellcasting focus is just about any object she can get her hands on for purpose of weaponizing it. The heart of her weapons subsystems is her Plurifuel Reservoir, which acts as the core generator for all of her magical effects.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Full Backstory in Journals Childhood "Avah was born into a middling caste of Izzet engineers. Her family was unusual in that they carried the influence of demonic heritage, which typically would have marked them for Rakdos Cultisits. Her father bore the demonic influence and carried the name Maximilian while her mother was a human woman named Avah, for whom she was named for. She had no other siblings, as her mother's pregnancy suffered significant complications related to the expression of Avah's horn-like protrutions which scarred her mother internally. The reasons for her family being part of the Izzet League were not made clear to her, but it seems her mother had been a member of a lower caste prior to her father's arrival into her life. Avah's childhood was fairly straightforward, she ate a lot, grew a lot and received her education in the Izzet League where she thankfully thrived. Avah had few friends and was frequently avoided for being so different to the other children. This shaped her personality into one in which she laid all she had in front of others and let them decide for themselves if they wanted to associate, secrets tended to only lead to delayed heartbreak as far as she was concerned." Teenager Avah's years as a teenager were difficult. She was bullied by other children as a young teenager, but after hitting puberty hard and heavy she quickly grew larger than almost all of her peers, including the men. Avah struggled to maintain control of herself and her strength, as well her hunger for mundane food and physical pleasure as her body was reshaped by a flood of hormones. Avah found discipline in a junior military group, where she was able to learn discipline in having her schedule dictated to her, her exercise time enforced and her education shaped to purpose. Her affinity for mathematics, her resistance to fire and her unique physiology made her a natural fit for the Izzet League's premier demolitions special operations force D8, a.k.a. "The Black Berets." While Avah learned a great deal of discipline in the organization she still experimented greatly in the realm of physical pleasure as a teenager, and despite being socially outcast she was often able to find partners willing to experiment. Avah quickly learned her type, and her choice to publicly come out as a lesbian only prompted others to say "Ah, I knew there was something different." Adulthood Avah entered what would be a lifelong career in the Izzet League military and would rise through the ranks to reach the rank Specialist First Class. She moved into the barracks with her teammates and settled into a simple lifestyle involving regular demolitions work, bomb defusal and shore leave. On what should have abeen a routine bomb defusal mission Avah's team was swallowed in a massive magical flash and she found herself on the banks of the Ashaba river.

Gender Identity

Gender Identity Female, Masculine


Sexuality Lesbian Type Attracted To By Abilities: +CHA +STR/DEX/CON (+All above 10, ++ All above 12) +INT --WIS. Avah is attracted to intelligent women who also develop their bodies. She doesn't care much for social niceties or those who care about appearances. She likes women who are clear in what they want and especially when they want other women. Avah has a particular attraction to smaller women, especially if they are fit, and goblins in particular. Libido Avah has a high libido, potentially due to her fiendish blood. Avah has no shame about this and leans into a lascivious lifetyle, which was something that went without judgment in the highly experrimental Izzet League. Avah tends to only be able to contain her behavior when she is on mission and becomes hedonistic without organization. Promiscuity Avah embraced the idea of experimentation within the Izzet League and has been prolific with her application of the 'scientific method.' Very early in her research she came to realize she preferred female partners, particularly the aggressive type. Avah found that simply gaining some notoriety as a 'loose cannon' with certain interests would result in researchers in 'her field' approaching her as a test subject. She has helped many women test their hypotheses.


Education Level Avah is an educated engineer and demolitions expert. She completed compulsory education and the equivalent of a military academy within the Izzet League in Ravnica. She is very sharp and capable with numbers and schematics with an excellent understanding of three-dimensional interactions. Notable Masters Avah has had a composite education that involved many different teachers. Her longest mentor figure is Captain Steinbeck, who leads the D8 "Black Berets."


Employment History Avah has only worked as a military engineer and a mercenary within B.A.S.E. While she could likely earn a living doing work in general engineering or as a civil engineer she knows that a boring lifestyle would only lead to her wildness getting out. Current Work Avah currently works as a mercenary in B.A.S.E. while she seeks a new squad to call home. Side Jobs Avah has never taken on side work and is unlikely to do so. She lacks the people skills for many jobs.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Accomplishments & Achievements Avah is a certified special operations demolitionist, sapper, and military engineer. She has earned the rank of Specialist First Class. She is a master operator and contributing engineer of the RX Land Runner Systems. Greatest Memories Avah's upbringing was one of frequent isolation and ostracization. Her best memories are those which affirmed her as a person; such as her first relationship with a woman and her graduation from the military academy and appointment to the D8 team. Avah takes great personal pride in the things which define her and won't permit anyone to speak badly of either.

Failures & Embarrassments

Failures & Embarrassments Avah is embarassed by her relationships involving men. She feels that her lack of clarity regarding her own preferences really only lead to men having their heart broken. She has little room for shame, but in th forces she frequently has men fall for her or seek her out due to loneliness. She does what she can to keep things clear, but tries tomake sure no one is left with hard feelings. Her greatest failure is that her team was unable to prevent the explosion which seemingly brought her to Driftriver. Worst Memories Avah's young life tends to be a sore point for her, particularly her primary and middle education. Avah was an early and heavy bloomer in regards to pubescence and reached physical and sexual maturity very early. This left her with few peers she could relate to or interact with andleft her unfulfilled in many ways. Other children ostracized her for her size and adult characteristics, making jokes about her being a kid that had been held back man years.

Mental Trauma

Mental Trauma Avah is most disturbed by some failed simic experiments. She struggles with the corruption of the body as a concept, in part due to the encroaching fiendish influence on her own body. Her constant effort to maintain her body leaves her unable to empathize with individuals who choose to, in her viewpoint, mutilate themselves with body modifications. Having been called in to destroy simic experiments gone awry she has a strong natural distrust towards haphazardly applied biotechnology and the applications. Phobias Avah has phobias regarding body modification. She fears waking up with her body filled with tubes, her limbs replaced by something of another creature, and being told they had done it to 'save her' not realizing that they had violated the sanctity of her body.

Intellectual Characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics Avah is intelligent, argumentative and sometimes unfocused. She will happily argue and discuss the how to do something all day, yet never manage to get around to it. She enjoys coming up with new ideas, new machines and new processes. Confidence Avah is confident in her abilities in the way of a trained combatant and engineer. She prides herself on her handywoman skills, her craftswomanship and the work she puts into herself and her body. She is also prideful and even aggressive to boastful of her skills in romance, which really sum up less to romance and more to philandering.

Morality & Philosophy

Philosophical views To Avah the world is a relatively simple place. There are laws and rules, there are leaders and followers, and then there's freedom. In freedom you can put together as many different things as you want, as if life was a la carte at a buffet. No one should judge each other for what they 'eat' or how much they 'eat' at that buffet. To Avah variety is the spice of life, and spice should be applied liberally. When on the job Avah's attitude changes rapidly, after all just like dessert is sweetest after a proper meal the freedom she enjoys is best savored after putting the hard work in. Views on Religion Avah has no strong religious association of any kind. Avah's spirituality is very methodist in nature. Have a job, have a duty, do the work and trust in the purpose. Views on Magic Magic is a fuel, an energy to be used. It is best used in precision machinery and tools so as to properly and efficiently use it. Avah has some talent in regards to arcane studies, though she has split her efforts between practical engineering and magical work in her development as an artificer. Views on Society Society is a machine that requires regular maintenance and the applied skill of engineers and leaders. Avah sees herself as a small but critical cog that has a very specialized skill set. Seeing the disruption of society caused by the wars in Ravnica she has little interest or tolerance in socially disruptive behavior.


Taboos Avah is a safety minded individual who is an expert at mitigating and controlling explosive forces. She is also a firm believer in following authority and has a strong distaste for rebellious behavior in general. Her understanding of the guildpact and the stressed equilibrium of the city of Ravnica leads her to believe that all things exist in a carefully controlled balance, including her own discipline. Enemies Avah has a strong distaste for the Rakdos Cult. It is highly likely that her parentage bears influence from the demonic personage of the cult and her affinity for fire and hedonistic behavior are likely characteristics borne out of this heritage. Avah views their out of control lifestyle as immoral, and she desperately craves such an orderly lifestyle to main control. Racial Friction Avah is naturally distrustful of other tieflings as well as the corrupted individuals known as simic hybrids.

Personality Characteristics


Reason for Becoming an Adventurer Avah was less an adventurer and more a career Izzet League special forces operative. On a mission to disarm an extremely powerful explosive she can remember but a bright flash followed by washing up on the riverside in Driftriver. She isn't sure if this is the afterlife or not, but she joined the closest thing to a military she could find to make a living and get comfortable. Believing her companions back home were likely caught in the blast and killed or scattered to to the same plane as she is currently in she hasn't had reason to return home, so she has made the best of the situation. Goals "Join a capable squad of capable individuals so I can feel at home. Have a worthy mission. Get some proper engineering in this rustic old city." Positives, Ego Boosters Avah is a simple woman who gets comfort out of having a routine, eating good food, exercising hard and sleeping well. She maintains her ego with a feeling of belonging and acceptance which she gets from having a squad of close friends and romantic and sexual partners. Negatives, Fears Avah fears somehow losing control of herself and giving into the demonic influence inside of her. She has an irrational belief that a life lived poorly will cause the horny eruptions along her body to worsen and result in her becoming very demonic in appearance as she continues to lose control. Guarded Secrets Avah has no closely guarded secrets. Her life has been one of little privacy and severe scrutiny and the only way she has learned to bear that has to be a woman of few secrets with little to hide. Desired Objects or Knowledge Avah would like to master her weapon systems and improve their efficiency. She would also like to learn the truth behind the magical blast she believes killed her and placed her in Faerun.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Greatest Strengths Avah is good at following orders, and when she has clear objectives she is deeply focused and does not easily succumb to pressure. Greatest Weaknesses Avah lacks fine control and tends to oversolve problems, taking the approach that there is no kill like overkill. Additionally she needs an orderly environment to truly be at her best. Natural Ineptitudes Avah is bad at anything that requires social graces, etiquette or going unnoticed. She can miss basic social cues very often, and will frequently take things too far on and off the battlefield.

Likes & Dislikes

Favorite Color Matte Black Favorite Foods, Flavors Green Goblin Nachos, an extremely hot and spicy nacho dish with excessive numbers of peppers. She also deeply loves sweets and baked goods but struggles with controlling how much she eats. She loves to cook and experiment with gasopub technology. Treasured Items Avah most favors her glasses of nearly any object. They are important for her and give her a sense of comfort when wearing them. Her D8 Black Beret, the symbol of the group she earned the right to be part of as a top demolitionist within the Izzet League. She also favors the heart of her construct Gale Force, as she believes it holds the memories and spirit of the construct. Other Favored Things Avah has very little that came with her from her previous life. The scraps of technology she had enabled her to build parts of her arsenal, but she is still working through some of the missing components and replacing them as she can. Dislikes and Hates Avah hates bland food and military rations. Anything that isn't properly seasoned will instantly be rejected; there are only so many calories in a day and she can't waste the chance to eat on something bland and tasteless.

Virtues & Personality perks

Virtues Avah is honest, dutiful and straightforward. She lives her life with gusto and puts effort into anything she identifies as necessary. Perks Avah oozes confidence. This combines with her straightforward presentation to make her inherently trustworthy and makes her appear competent.

Vices & Personality flaws

Vices Avah loves sweets. Sweet food and sweet girls, she can't get enough. Without limiting herself to designated playtime it can become a problem. Flaws Avah is argumentative and aggressive. Niceties and smoothing things over can be left for the relief teams.

Personality Quirks

Ticks & Quirks Avah will fiddle with her glasses when thinking, cycling them through settings and adjusting the tinting as she does so. She will also munch on snacks whenever she encounters a particularly difficult problem. Comfort Items Avah's primary comfort item are her glasses. While they are not necessary to correct her vision she is somewhat reliant on the enhancements they offer her.


Hygiene & Grooming Avah is very well put together as long as she has a mission. She tends to let herself go very quickly if she isn't kept to task. When she is put together she is fit if not a bit heavy, has her hair kept short, her horns and teeth well filed down, her body hair removed and her talon-like fingernails cut short. If she begins to let herself go the opposite of the previous statemtents is true. Vanity & Modesty Avah has very little modesty and cares very little what others think of her. She is used to being one of few women in her engineering corps and has no qualms sharing a shower with a group of men as long as they understand she's not interested in their bodies, and she doesn't care if they look at her; she is used to stares. Avah has no significant vanity about her body or looks, though she has a simple confidence. In regards to her skillset though Avah is highly competitive as a military engineer and loves to compete with her squadmates and others. Tolerances Avah judges others for their work performance over their looks, though she is a bit of a sucker for a cute girl.


Contacts & Relations

Birth Situation Avah was a child of love born to a career Izzet engineer her human mother Kellen and her performer husband, the tiefling Varston. Despite being an odd coupling in the city of Ravnica, and the mixing of bloods there was very little special to Avah's birth. Her mother struggled to carry Avah and her body was irreparably damaged by the pregnancy. Birth City Izzet League Ward, City of Ravnica. City Size and Character Ravnica is a nearly endless city, splayed across the entire plane of Ravnica. The character of the city varies by region as different guilds, or guildless mingle and mix in different ratios and result in very different districts. Avah was raised in the Fourth Precinct, a predominantly Izzet League dominated district. Avah was frequently working in the Undercity, as many of the bombs her team was sent to dismantle were truly overpressurized boilers which were pushed past their limits or had been improperly maintenanced for many years. Influence on Background Avah was exposed to a great deal of magic, as well as a large number of different ways of life within the city of Ravnica. Her training as an artificer was the result of her excelling in schooling and is a common aspiration within the city. Her choice to join the military engineers and the D8 Black Berets was a major driving force in her life choices. How did you become a ‘’insert class’’ Avah's mother Kellen was a talented engineer in her own right, but Avah's talent for handling explosives and managing military projects came down to her own discipline and talents with fiery magic and spells.   Current Residence City of Driftriver Goal Residence A Military Barracks, Parts Undecided   Caretakers Avah currently takes care of herself. At least she certainly tries to. She was previously cared for by her parents, Kellen and Varston. Wards Avah has no dependents. Role-Model or Past Hero Avah idolized her parents for different reasons. Her somewhat plain but hardworking and skilled mother and her father who had a zest for life. She also truly believed in the heroic image of her squad captain, Steinbeck. Rival or Enemy Avah has no enemies. She's broken a few hearts, but that's not her fault. She wasn't looking for something committed at the time. Friends Avah has made only a few friends in Driftriver. Her old squad, the D8 Black Berets were her only true friends before the blast. Major Allies "The Izzet League B.A.S.E."

Family Ties

Parents, Siblings and Details Avah's mother is Kellen, a human Izzet Engineer. Kellen was a simple woman who worked in Izzet machine shops and was well known for her immaculate welding techniques in particular. Avah's father is Varston, a passionate tiefling house husband. Varston was an excellent chef and was a social charmer, despite the discrimination he received for his bloodline. Relationship with Family Avah was closer with her father, Varston, who was a house husband, who quickly understood Avah's wavelength and for the most part raised her like a son. Avah's mother Kellen had an estranged relationship with Avah due to many of Avah's interests, but was the one who reenforced and ensured Avah got her education in engineering and the sciences. Most of Avah's skills were encouraged by her mother but she learned to cook from her father. Family Goals Avah would love to have a cute wife to come home to; ideally one that knew how to have a good time. Avah is particularly attacted to smaller women who are intelligent and aggressive. She's open to having kids and is completely okay with adopting, she is leery of Simic solutions to same sex couples producing children.

Religious Views

Family Spirituality Avah has no spiritual associations. Her family is entirely secular in belief. Spiritual Beliefs Avah does not actively follow any faith. Spiritual Enemies Avah does not know any faiths to be her enemy.

Social Aptitude

Personality Type ENTP Action Profile Avah is a pre-planner who has an idea of how things should go from the get go. As typical of Izzet engineers she cares little for externalities or other issues she causes in her solutions, in her mind there are others who are better capable of handling problems like demolition cleanup or heartbreak. Introvert or Extrovert Avah is extroverted and very comfortable around others, though she tends to make those around her uncomfortable with ease. She is an individual from a very unusual background, from a very unusual place with very unusual interests. She doesn't often find kindred spirits and her attitude of letting it all hang out tends to make many people uncomfortable. Her lack of shame in any regard makes her a poor fit for situations requiring etiquette. Avoidant or Direct Avah thinks any problem can be solved through a direct approach which resolves the underlying causes. She is happy to help others and will take on uncomfortable topics very directly, as a result of her lacking empathy towards other people's shame. Avah thinks hard work and practice can fix any problem, from romance to explosives.


Mannerisms Avah tends to heat up quickly and run hot once she gets started. She can be very flashy and overdo things once she gets into this zone. It can be difficult to calm her down once she gets the adrenaline flowing. Once she is triggered she is very aggressive and passionate. She is frequently triggered by combat and romantic opportunities. Etiquette Avah respects military decorum and ritual. When with civvies Avah is simply blunt and honest. She has never experience the high life of court or noble gatherings.

Hobbies & Pets

Hobbies Avah enjoys cooking above all other things. She passionately believes that food is one of the greatest joys in life, and that since we can only eat so much that we should strive to eat the very best food. In order to find the best foods she cooks a great deal whenever possible and in order to avoid waste she does what she can to feed others. Profession if not Adventurer Avah would likely have followed in her father's footsteps and become a chef. She may one day open a restauraunt named Hot Wings. A reference to her spicy food and her wings.


Speech Avah has a deep voice for a woman and she tends to speak with a loud booming voice. Her vocabulary is very succinct and in many cases agressive or suggestive. She frequently slips into banter. Accent Avah has a Ravnican accent.

Wealth & Financial state

Lifestyle Avah needs basic solid comforts and quality food but she doesn't care for fancy things or heady luxuries. She believes a lifestyle that is too easy will lead to her becoming soft. Literally. Values Avah values competence, confidence and effort from herself and others. She has no major spiritual or moral directors in her life, and looks at the world as wide enough to accomodate almost any lifestyle as long as people do not encroach on each other.

Hailing from Ravnica, Avah's last memories are of an extraordinarily massive magitechnical explosion overtaking her squad of military engineers, the D8 Black Berets. Arriving in Driftriver, Avah now seeks to determine if she has made it to some afterlife.

Current Location
City of Driftriver, The Dalelands
View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Titles Specialist First Class Story Awards & Renown Avah successfully mitigated a bomb blast in the city of Driftriver shortly after arriving. She has been on the lookout also for an individual who may have destroyed multiple city blocks in the Bantry. Infamy & Criminal Record Avah has no criminal record or infamy.
Date of Birth
7 Flamerule, 1466 DR (Relatively)
Fourth Precinct, City of Ravnica
Current Residence
City of Driftriver, The Dalelands
Pale Grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Creamy, Cobalt Horns
211 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
Quotes "When's lunchtime?" Catchphrases "Never Give Up!" the motto of the D8 Black Berets. Her clockwork construct Gale Force is tinkered to say this phrase when agitated.
Known Languages
Known Languages Common, Infernal Hated Languages None

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Avah: Chapter 0: The Bomb

“Energy readings are nearly off the charts. The boilers should be burning off the evocation energy down there but we’ve got confirmed reports of conjuration magic at play which is keeping the reaction going. It seems to be self-feeding and in an escalating feedback loop. We don’t know which lab is responsible for this going FUBAR, if the engineers involved in this are even still alive, but we have to get down there and relieve pressure before it finds a weak point which we expect to be the Lower-City streets of the south-central Fourth Precinct. You don’t need me to tell you that Command views that as far too close to home for a failure. That’s why we’re going in. I want boots laced in 10 minutes. Dismissed.” Captain Steinbeck gave a quick salute, raising his hand to a black beret with a simple bronze placard reading “D8” on it. The captain looked his squad over quickly, nodding once as the group immediately returned their salutes, each raising a hand to their beret. The captain then clicked his heels once, turned face and made for exiting the briefing room.   A crew of 7 soldiers, all in simple red and black utilitarian uniforms held their salute for the captain, not dropping their hands until he had finished exiting the room. “Alright crazy 8s, you heard the cap, we’re on a bomb run. Heavy ablative loadout on the specialists and make sure your kit is airtight. Scalding steam is expected. We’re not expecting resistance so no heavy weapons, nor do we need to breach, so travel light. Those of you with light kits take the extra time to help Specialist Maxim and Specialist Tender get geared.” The group was already beginning to exit the room, heading for the armor even as lieutenant Ruzzle repeated something they already knew.   They’d been in this job for a good while, most of them anyway. They were the best at what they did, because if they were any less they’d have already been long dead. The D8s, or ‘Demolitions 8th Division’ were legendary within the Izzet League as the go-to solution for handling explosive situations. No critically overloading energy reactor was too dangerous for them to disarm, and given enough time there was next to nothing they couldn’t demolish either. The team was typically dispatched to decommission out of control magic experiments, safely bring down failing infrastructure or in the rare cases of war they had their time to shine with artillery and military engineering runs. The group’s symbol was their simple black beret, and it was something that the squad wore with pride.   “Ah shit, heavy ablative gear on Maxim? Do we have a crane yet, LT?” The adrenaline was already flowing in the group, and thereby so was the humor.” “That suit weighs damn near as much as me!” The soldiers laughed at the joke, but the perpetrator earned himself a slap on the back of the head from a winged tiefling woman for it. The name on her uniform read ‘Maxim.’ “If you worked your reps as hard as you work your mouth it wouldn’t be so bad, would it now? How’s your PT been trending?” The tiefling’s jab earned a chorus of “oohs” from the group, before a nervous bout of laughter broke out.   “Alright lads, can it. You know the drill. Rock, paper scissors. Loser gets Maxim, winner gets Tender.” The lieutenant rolled his eyes and opened the door to the armory, waving the group in. A quick match started in the back, followed by a heavy groan. A few laughs at the plight of the loser quickly quieted though as the team reached their respective lockers. There was no time for jokes during suit-up, a single mistake might mean a jet of steam getting in your suit and then the suit may as well be your coffin because boiled flesh doesn’t separate from insulated ceramite easily at all.   Most of the activity was around two very different individuals. On one end of the room was Specialist Maxim, a tall and full bodied tiefling woman who was being carefully suited up in a thick suit consisting of a dipped fabric and ceramic plates. The suit was tested at every joint for gas and water permeability, though her leathery black wings were left outside of the suit, the joints of her wings carefully surrounded with fabric folds and secured with baffles. Even with the assistance of two other members the handling of the equipment was difficult. The other individual was a near polar opposite, a short goblin male. His gear had a much less flexible nature and was composed almost entirely of ceramics, giving him the appearance of a pilot inside a humanoid construct. The stiffer and smaller components of his suit were quickly applied with the help of a single squadmate.   “We’re moving in double triple formation, lone leader. Keep eyes on the specialists and stick with your Weird Wagon as long as possible. Maxim high and Tender low approach I’ll be moving ahead. Murmurs in.” Lieutenant Ruzzle popped a small smooth metal object into his ear and nodded to the group. “I’m going ahead. Listen up for orders.”   The remaining squad finished prep put the murmurs into their ears. A few quick checks and the team was ready to move. They quickly split into two teams of three and made their way to the air-docks. Weird Wagons were new technology, the chassis of a wagon atop a cage-like structure which contained fire/air weirds. The heat and air pressure generated lift and thrust for the vehicles, and made them one of the faster methods of transport around the city. They weren’t elegant, nor particularly safe, but when you were dressed to head into a bomb sight the risk of elevated temperatures and static discharge weren’t particularly worrying.   Specialist Maxim looked out visored slit of the armored wagon that passed as a window as the team approached. Her grey eyes registered the passing of tall buildings as simple transitions from shadow to light, until the terrain flipped and now the buildings were columns of light within the darkness. They’d gone underground, crossed the line between surface and subterranean and were now gliding through the avenues, or were they catacombs, of the Undercity of Ravnica. A necessary place for a city which had consumed the entire surface of the plane, and a necessary place for the storage of the untidy things that kept that surface world operating.   The team was quiet as always before disembarking; there wasn’t much to be gained by speaking now. They knew what they knew, they had what they had as far as equipment, now was the time to let it all go: the locker room energy, any nerves or jitters, any lingering sense of self. They were moving at high speed toward something that by all sensibilities they should be fleeing from with even more haste.   Light was faster than sound. The brilliant blue slashing through the visored slit of the wagon caused a reflexive sucking in of breath as Avah flinched. She turned to look down at her team, she had to warn them. She tried to open her mouth, but the eye contact she made with the two across from her said it all. The light shone like a blue slash through on the wagon’s far wall, a herald of the energy that would soon cleave the very molecules of the team apart. The briefest watering of eyes, an unspoken acknowledgement and farewell, was all the three could manage in communication before the shockwave hit.   The dampness was everywhere. Her uniform felt drenched in something wet and heavy. Blood? Was it her own or the squad’s? How long had she been out for it to have gone so cold?   “Hey! Got a big one over here! Haul her out of the river, she looks hurt!” An excited man’s voice rang out in the haze. “Bloody hell, are those wings? We’re going to be rich!”   She felt herself hoisted from the cold wet by many hands. Did they say river? Was she dead? That must be it. They hadn’t made it in time. They’d failed. They’d died. Then was this the afterlife…?
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