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Claire Farrow

Claire Farrow

Claire Farrow was born in Eberron, but has had quite a journey as she is now in Faerûn with her younger sister Alena. She has joined up with Driftriver, and made her way as a mechanic aboard The Odyssey airship. She is a tinkerer and mechanic, creating her own gadgets to perform what others can do with the arcane, but her favorite creation is that of her rifle, The Omniscient Eye Mk4

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Claire has a slender build, but carries herself tall and proud. She walks with an air of confidence, and seems to almost never change her facial expression. The only time you'll see her slouching is when she's standing over her workbench.

Body Features

Claire is a half elf from Eberron. She has ears that come to soft points and are slightly longer than humans. She stands 5'8" and has a thin waist accentuated by the corset she wears.

Facial Features

Claire has short pink hair that lays freely. Her vibrant blue eyes seem to examine everything they look at, taking in every detail, almost as if there's constant calculations going on behind them. She has a v-shaped jawline, and a slightly upturned nose. Claire will typically be seen with very little to no makeup at all, as it just runs or mixes with whatever grease she tends to get covered in.

Identifying Characteristics

Her pink hair and vibrant blue eyes help her stand out from the crowd, not to mention the occasional pink that her eyes change to whenever she casts magic, growing only brighter the more she casts.

Special abilities

Claire has picked up a knack for having great eyesight, probably on account of her mother being of the fey, but also on account of her looking for and finding small parts in broken areas or dropped in a sea of other parts.

Apparel & Accessories

The Omniscient Eye Mk4
Claire is armed with her fourth iteration of her rifle. The Omniscient Eye Mk4 is a magitec rifle of her own design, finally leaving behind the all mechanical designs of the first two.
Engineer's Harness and Corset
Claire has been an engineer almost her whole life, from working with her father to working without him, she has had a natural cunning for the inner mechanics of things. She wears a harness and corset as her mechanics attire for a couple of reasons. The harness is worn so she can strap herself to certain parts of an airship or dock as to keep herself from falling should something happen. The corset is worn to keep as much fabric close to herself as possible, making it less likely for any moving pieces to catch on her clothing.
Fey Piercings
After regenerating her arm in the fey, Claire decided to get a few piercings from there. The purpose was so she could bring something from the fey back with her, bringing their magic along to help her out.

Specialized Equipment

Claire is a mechanic/tinkerer/engineer/inventor by trade, and has created many devices that allow her to do what other typically do with the arcane.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

While Claire did attend classes growing up, she learned most everything from her time spent at the airdocks with her father. She would go with him almost every day and observe, and occasionally work on, anything she could. Her knack for mechanical creations became apparent when she started fixing parts of airships without any of the other mechanics noticing the problem.
Everyone should be able to work their way into some standing in the world. Claire and Alena, while born higher standing, did not get to live that life long as their mother left their life, pulling her social standing from them. The Farrow sisters have had to make their way in the world, and why shouldn't everyone else?

Gender Identity





Very little proper education. Claire grew up on the airdocks surrounded by mechanical creations and other engineers.


Worked at the airdocks in Wroat
Did government work back in Eberron
Currently works for the Odyssey under BASE

Accomplishments & Achievements

Creating functioning Omniscient Eye rifles
Creating gadgets that do magic esque things
Completion of the Odyssey

Failures & Embarrassments

Claire may call the creation of her prototype rifle a success, but how can it be successful when it's what blew her arm off?

Mental Trauma

Mother left when she was 16 and her sister was 2. Father died when she was about 22, leaving her and her 8 year old sister to fend for themselves. Her and Alena grew up, and Alena became a detective, making Claire worried. Claire found a man and fell in love... her fiancé was butchered and mutilated not to long before the Draco-Lich attacked.

Intellectual Characteristics

While she may not seem the brightest at first, it becomes clear that she did not learn what she knows from books. She learned through experience, and is more than capable of working with what she has.

Personality Characteristics


Claire wants to be the best mechanic there is... she also wants to be one of, if not, the best shots around. She works towards these two goals both simultaneously and separately. She has had to make small adjustments to her creations in the field, and she has had to take quick shots in the field. Working separately however, she has forced herself to stay up multiple nights in a row to work on her toys, and she has taken the time to practice her shots while not in the field. While this is her long term goal, her short term... is to murder the noble Eberron family that has caused her much grief as of late. They killed her fiancé, and she rest easy till they're dealt with.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Claire is great at working through mechanical problems, and finding her way into places she probably shouldn't be in

She isn't the best around people, finding conversations about anything other than engineering dull and pointless

Likes & Dislikes

People who are quiet
Loud people
Mundane conversations
People who flirt with Alena

Virtues & Personality perks

Hard Working
Follows Captain Ion's orders

Vices & Personality flaws

Will stay up
Not the best with people
Why show emotion when you can just not

Personality Quirks

If Claire get's talking about her gadgets, airships, or any other mechanical device, she may actually crack a smile and sound more excited than she ever has.


Claire keeps herself clean. There's no need to be an animal.


Contacts & Relations

Actual Sister
Odyssey Members (Extended Family)
-Captain Ion
Odyssey Crew

Family Ties

Mother - run away & Archfey
Father - deceased
Fiancé - deceased
Alena Farrow, younger sister and natural arcanist

Religious Views

Minor worshipper of Onatar

Social Aptitude

Claire may hate being around too many people, but she knows how to deal with it and keep from being rude all the time. She may not act interested, but at least she's just being honest.


Claire takes some warming up to, on both ends, but once she trusts you, you can expect her to have your back. She’s rather standoffish at first, and if you don’t mention anything involving mechanics, she may tire of your conversation and leave if she doesn’t know you.

She can be caught celebrating holidays, and those may be some of the times other than when she’s busy that she has a smile on her face. She finds Hallow’s Eve to be the most fun as she gets to attempt to scare people.

Hobbies & Pets

Claire has a pet owl named Hargreaves that was brought over from Eberron. He serves no other purpose than to be a pet.

Claire can typically be found by a workbench, taking apart and putting together her current and old gadgets whilst making new ones right next to them.


Claire’s voice tends to be a bit more monotone, lacking emotion in her regular speech. She does get excited, saddened, happy, angry, and annoyed, and it is possible to hear this in her voice should the right thing trigger it. She doesn’t tend to use big fancy words, and she prefers to speak as little as possible, getting whatever information or point across as concisely and quickly as possibly.

A half-elven woman with a prosthetic right arm, Claire is a woman of precision. She works for BASE as the sniper for the Odyssey. She joined their family late, but believes to have found herself a new family.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Head Mechanic of the Odyssey
Date of Birth
12th of Barrakas(Eberron)/ Eleasis(Faerûn)
Wroat, Eberron
Current Residence
The Odyssey
Vibrant Blue
Short Pink
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, Gnomish, Thieves' Cant

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11th of Uktar 1944 DR

Well... Mitchell is dead... butchered by the House of Shadows... ... that's all I can write about it...

Before Driftriver
14th of Tarsakh 1494 DR

My parent's met by chance. My father was a thirty year old human mechanic of one of the many airships that patrolled the skies, and my mother... Venna, a 600 year old Eladrin, had caught his eye. He promised to come back for her, and he did, multiple times over, till he eventually bought a house and settled down with her. He left the service of the airship to become a general mechanic at the ports, and she kept her job as diplomat for her people. As far as I know, they had a very loving relationship. I was born not long after, Claire Farrow... a beautiful young girl with her father's looks. After I was born, things were rather slow, I started to travel with my father to go to the ports and watch him do repairs on the airships, the gears turning, and the steam billowing. I fell in love almost instantly. So those became my days for the next sixteen years, I would learn what my father did, and assist in many ways, eventually being given tasks on my own. I thought my world was made, everything was perfect, and then... I had a baby sister, Alena. I hated her, she looks more like mother, cuter than I am... how is a baby cuter than me? The first two years were full of hate, but then she started to grow on me. My mother on a different note started to seem... off, she acted as though she doesn't entirely care for either me or Alena, and she keeps talking to father about her priorities. It's been three weeks, mother hasn't come home, and father claims that she may never be back. He seems so sad... maybe he needs a gift to brighten his day. I've applied to be a mechanic at the airports, I plan on making enough money to buy something to make father smile again. Maybe he just needs a reminder that there are people in this world who do still love him. After a long three years of work, and talking to father, I finally know what could make him happy... he always liked when I would make little toys out of spare parts, so I'm going to make something for him. Maybe all he need's, is a robotic friend. I've finally completed the small clockwork bird, and not only does it work, but father has a smile on his face, and he cried when hugging Alena and me. Alena... created a bird? She's only six... but she has a bird follow her around, father is worried, he has no clue what to do. Well, it's been a week after Alena created the bird, and now we can't find her... the bird is talking, it sounds like her, but I'm confused, I don't know if it's her or just a mimicking cry. We buried father yesterday... it seems as if all the color of the world has faded, and all that's left is grey. He was having trouble way before yesterday, but he always managed to smile around Alena, around me. I miss him... I miss him more than I can say. I'll see you later father, I love you. Day number... I don't know at this point. I've been working these ports for the last thirteen years, and I've saved up enough spare parts and cash to start my creation... this could change the world... maybe Alena will stop trying to get involved in her "mystery" cases. It's complete, I call it, the Omniscient Eye, this rifle is able to hit targets from far ranges, and is vastly superior to any other firearm to date, Alena and I will be running the first test tomorrow. Two weeks after the failure... my arm still feels... connected, but I know it isn't. I won't tell her, but Alena did a great job on this prosthetic, I'm just happy she had my plans to follow... maybe she'll stop getting into trouble and help me out around the shop. Well, Alena has somehow, successfully managed to start and become one of the more prominent investigators here... I gotta hand it to her, she's a natural. She does keep going on about this job though, apparently some group is after this one person... but that person has escaped, and now we are being tasked with finding them. Interplanar travel hasn't really been my thing, but I'm not about to let Alena go on her own... she's the only family I have left. So... it turns out my dumb sister is the one who helped our target escape originally, and the people hunting her have found out. At least, that's what she told me, I can't help but feel like she's hiding something from me. There's most likely a price on the Farrow families heads now... our heads, and that means we can't go back to Eberron, so I guess we're stuck here, in Faerun.


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