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Imzel Dyernina Stayanoga

Corporal Imzel Dyernina Stayanoga

Imzel is a human woman who is always striving for perfection in her work. She comes from the frigid and rugged realm of Rashemen. She has little care in the world for material wealth, and simply strives to be the best that she can be both physically and magically. She is a very spiritual person, and holds great respect to the spirits that live in her homeland.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Imzel is short and muscular, with a hardy physique and slim waist. She constantly carries herself tall with her head high and shoulders squared. This gives her the appearance that she is taller than she is, even though she is only 5’5.

Body Features

Imzel is a Rashemaar human. As such, she shares many features common with those of most humans.

Facial Features

Imzel has dark, dusky skin with red undertones and unusually bright golden eyes. She has long, thick, curly black hair that she keeps braided on the back of her head. Her features are smooth and have a sort of simplistic beauty to them. She has full lips, a slightly squared jaw, and narrow eyes that tilt slightly outwards near the edges. On average, Imzel wears naturally colored makeup with red or gold undertones.

Identifying Characteristics

While often covered by her uniform, Imzel has a large red tiger tattoo that covers the entirety of her back. When she performs a magical combat style called bladesinging, the tattoo on her back will glow slightly red. This glow is not strong enough to penetrate through her uniform in most situations.

Special abilities

Imzel is surprisingly athletic given her small frame and her proficiency in wizardry. She is able to climb over obstacles and swim through the water with practiced skill and swiftness, all without breaking a sweat. When in combat, Imzel typically fights with the red tiger style of bladesinging. Red tiger, a style just three centuries old, has its bladesingers using the scimitar in a whirling dance of defense from which they launch into sudden leaps and attacks. Imzel often combines her bladesong with the spell haste to speedily dodge attacks and retaliate just as quickly. Her blades occasionally strike with divine might granted to Imzel by the Hidden One. Should Imzel find herself without her arcane abilities, such as in a dead-magic zone, Imzel is able to quickly rally herself into a minor version of a barbaric rage. This, however, is extremely uncommon. She is able to do this due to her background as a berserker of the Snow Tiger Lodge.

Apparel & Accessories

Tigeress's Claws

Imzel is armed with a set of twinned yagatan (scimitars) that she refers to as the tigress's claws. They are sheathed on Imzel's right side when not in use. The main section of the blade is made of cold iron. The hilt of the blade is dark brown and made of tanned surface rothé leather wrapped around the proximal section of a surface rothé femur. The hilt has no guard but instead has 'bolsters' of golden metal that connect the grip of the weapon to the shoulder of the blade. Ornate detailwork of a tiger telthor running amongst the northern lights is depicted on the bolsters. When activated, the weapon will ignite with a shimmering blue electrical flame that resembles the northern lights. Touching the weapon to a flammable object will ignite it. When moved at high speeds, the weapons will make a wooshing sound similar to that of the howling winter winds of northern Rashemen.  

Corporal Uniform

Imzel is almost always found wearing her formal corporal uniform. This uniform features a rigid pearlescent white coat with a standing collar. The coat is additionally paired with maroon bell trousers and dark brown tanned surface rothé leather military boots. This coat includes seven hidden gilt buttons and elegant gold adornments along the collar, trim, and sleeve cuffs. The coat is worn with a dark brown tanned surface rothé leather web belt that has room for 3 potions on the left side and 1 twinned shieth, and a lantern holder on the right. The buckle is gold, round, and has the symbol of Rashemen in the center. 300 GP worth of small diamonds are studded into the collar of the jacket. On the left shoulder, there is a blue symbol of The Hidden One. On the left chest, there are several badges denoting accomplishments and ranking. When completely buttoned up, the coat displaces the wearer's projected location off of their actual location. The coat also repairs itself from normal wear and tear.

Military Badges

The military ranking badges and the symbol of The Hidden One are studded with moonstone. The center of the symbol of The Hidden One is a flat and circular 100 GP pearl used for the identification spell. Within her Arcane forces badge, Imzel has a Spellshard that contains her spells. Inside of her corporal badge, Imzel has a psi crystal.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Imzel was born in a small town called Dernovia in Rashemen. Imzel's mother, Dyernina, died in the process of giving birth. Her father, Ralmevik Stayanoga, greaved heavily and coped by recklessly diving into combat. Due to this, Imzel was raised by the collective members of the snow tiger lodge, the barbarian lodge that her father was a part of.   Despite being away for much of her early life, Imzel greatly revered her father. She saw him as brave, spiritual, and dedicated. The ideal Rashemaar berserker. Imzel wanted to be like him. Ever since she could walk, she was taught to use a variety of weapons and to respect the spirits.   Unlike her father, however, she was not very strong. However, she was very bright and very hearty. When not training, Imzel would watch as the strange and mysterious Wychlaran protect her village with their mysterious masks. She saw them in awe and wished to be one of them.   Much like other Rashemaar children at around 9 or 10 years old, Imzel was tested by the Wychlaran for an aptitude in magic. However, Imzel had no sorcerous power of note. She was not accepted as part of the Wychlaran.   Imzel was frustrated with the results, but she accepted them. She dove further into her training as a barbarian, but in her free time she would visit the local religious site and study magic. She slowly learned to enjoy magic and started becoming quite good at it by the time that she reached the age of 12.   On her 13th birthday, Imzel was indoctrinated into the Snow Tiger lodge as an official barbarian and was determined by the other members to be skilled enough to fight.   Only a few days after Imzel’s 13th birthday, before Imzel even went into her first official battle, Imzel’s father was deemed a nydeshka. He was given a blunt sword and told that he was to lead the next battle. Imzel was old enough to know that this was a certain death sentence for her father.   In the grievance, Imzel fled to the nearby temple that she would often visit to practice magic. She dove headfirst into learning the art. Imzel was always incredibly bright and took incredibly quickly to arcane magic. She started to learn simple spells with ease and even some more complicated ones. However, she wanted to do more with her life than just lounge around and read books. She was a warrior afterall.   Imzel decided that at the age of 14 to dedicate herself to the goddesses that watched over the people of Rashemen. At the age of 16, she became a paladin of the knights of mystic fire, a paladin order dedicated to the Hidden One (Mystra). She worked very hard and had fought the many Thayan forces and the undead that they raised. However, she didn't feel that this was her place, so she continued elsewhere.   At the age of 16, Imzel left the paladin order and decided to spend more of her time amongst the forest and fey. From there, she met a hamadryad that went by the name of Vir'ava. The two conversed and talked about their life struggles. Imzel mentioned that she seemed lost in her life. In response, Vir'ava offered to be her spiritual leader for a time.   Imzel spent much of her time with the fey and learned a type of wizardry long guarded by fey and elves called "bladesinging" which combined magic and weaponry into one. Imzel started this practice and excelled in it. She joined a small order of fey eladrin who practiced the red tiger style of bladesinging. Imzel rose through the ranks and became quite skilled despite her being a young human.   At the age of 20, much like that of many boys and girls of Rashemen, Imzel left Rashemen to began her dajemma, a journey of self-discovery. Thus, she had to leave her new friends. She packed her things and left to go and explore the world. She decided that the Dalelands would be a good place to start. She would travel around to the different temples to the three and listen to how outsiders interpreted the deities differently.   Around when Imzel reached the age of 25, Imzel stumbled upon a strange and powerful city called Driftriver. She currently resides there and works closely with the Starstream sanctuary, a temple dedicated to Mystra.

Gender Identity




Imzel was trained at a very young age to avoid certain landmarks, to leave gifts for helpful spirits, and to ask permission of the telthors before touching anything in an unfamiliar place. Her relationship with the spirits is a strange one, for while she fears offending them, she also loves the spirits for their power to protect the land that she comes from.   In addition to her spiritual training, she also is incredibly skilled in various types of weaponry and armor. Despite this, she much prefers to not use armor. She much prefers the mobility provided by working without armor. Also, due to the lack of metal in Rashemen, armor is reserved by those who especially need it.


Age 3 to 13 - Rashemaar Barbarian   Age 14 to 16 - Paladin of the Hidden One (Mystra)   Age 16 to 20 - Wizardry student under Rashemaar fey.   Age 20 to 25 - Wandering on dajemma, a journey of self-discovery.   Age 25+ - Employee for BASE

Accomplishments & Achievements

Imzel is very proud of the length of her hair. She keeps it very well cared for and keeps it in a singular tight braid when she is out and about. Imzel believes that the length of ones hair is a measure of status. She believes this because the penalty for adultery in many villages in Rashemen is to have one’s hair cut short. Intentional or unintentional, she will often speak less of those with shorter or no hair.

Failures & Embarrassments

Although Imzel outwardly projects that she does not care for wealth, she does on the inside desire more glorious material possessions. However, she works hard to try and suppress these urges and ignore them. She believes that she is deeply sinful for wanting material things more than what she requires. She hopes that someday she can get over these urges and become a better person.

Morality & Philosophy

Imzel expects to earn her place in the world, rather than having it handed to her. She expects the same of everyone else around her. She has a strong of a dislike for nobility and social rankings based on birth for this reason. She views life as a series of challenges to face and defeat. The concept that one who has not gone through significant challenges in their life can lead is absurd to her.   Imzel views everyone as equals, no matter the species or social standing of the individual in question. This, however, does not apply to chromatic dragons, fiends, the durthans, or the Red Wizards of Thay.   Imzel strictly follows the very simple rules of Rashemen, no matter where she is.  
  • Do not kill or deliberately injure another Rashemi. Save your anger for your true enemies.
  • Do not steal from your fellow Rashemi or outsiders with honor. To do so is to taint your own honor.
  • Respect your family, the spirits, and the deities, for they guard your soul in this life and after.
  • Respect the spirits of your home, for they guard the land when you sleep.
  • Obey the Iron Lord, for the safety of all Rashemen is his responsibility.
  • Obey the Witches, for they are the bond that ties the people to the land and the Iron Lord to the people.
  • Be strong, resolute, and courageous, for the weak, lazy, and craven betray the spirit of the Rashemi people.


Laziness is very frustrating in Imzel's mind. You must always be working towards something. Before you can relax and have a drink, you must work hard and prove that you have earned that drink.   Abusing the land for monetary greed is completely unforgivable. One must always respect the land that they live upon or receive the wrath that will inevitably come for them.

Personality Characteristics


Imzel is currently unsure of what her purpose is, so she is currently studying different interpretations of the three in various locations. Her current motivation mainly revolves around finding her purpose and learning more so that she can defend her homeland better once she returns.


No detail seems to have been overlooked when it comes to Imzel's hygiene and cleanliness. There is not a single body hair out of place or speck of dirt on her uniform at any given time. She is seemingly odorless, even wean profusely sweating. If she does choose to have a scent, it is typically similar to that of the pine trees of the Ashenwood. Her nails are almost always perfectly trimmed and cleaned without any color applied. Despite her obsession with cleanliness, she is not germaphobic like some may think. Instead, she is nearly obsessive with being pristine and presentable at all times. She is greatly aware that the way that she looks reflects upon her country and her order; two things that she is incredibly loyal to.


Contacts & Relations

Vir'ava: Hamadryad spiritual teacher

Family Ties

: Rashemaar human Father   Dyernina Stayanoga: Rashemaar humanMother

Religious Views

Imzel was taught the importance of the three goddesses of Rashemen, Bhalla, the Hidden One, and Khelliara, from a young age and continues to hold them in great regard in adulthood. While she acknowledges and respects the existence of other deities, she does not actively pray to them. Imzel is a paladin devoted to the three and particularly the Hidden One. In addition to the deities, Imzel venerated many local spirits, particularly those with fey or elemental origins. She took great care to treat them with respect and kindness.   While both Bhalla and Khelliara are important in Imzel's daily life, she feels most connected to the Hidden One. This is likely due to the fact that Imzel is a wizard and often practices magic, which is the domain that the Hidden One rules over.


Imzel is very superstitious and performs various actions that many may consider strange. She, however, considers these actions valuable to her everyday life. Below are a few examples.
  • Imzel considers it bad luck to seek knowledge of one's own fortune.
  • Spitting on one's fingers, making a fist, and then flicking one's fingers three times over one's left shoulder wards off bad luck.
  • Before leaving for a long journey, it is said that travelers and all those who are seeing them off must sit for a moment in silence before leaving the house. This is considered a time to sit and think of anything that the traveler may have forgotten.
  • Things bought for a newborn baby (such as clothes, toys, furniture, etc.) should only be purchased after the baby is born. This is usually done in a big hurry as a result. Doing so before the birth of the child is said to bring miscarriages.
  • Birthday parties should be celebrated on or after one's birthday, not before. So when one's birthday falls during the week, it's best to celebrate the following weekend. Never give someone birthday wishes before their birthday. Doing so will result in the victim aging more quickly.
  • If one person accidentally steps on another person’s foot, it is common for the person who was stepped on to lightly step on the foot of the person who stepped first. it is said that this is done to avoid a future conflict.
  • Talking about future success, especially boasting about it, is considered bad luck. It is considered better to be silent until the success has been achieved or to even sound pessimistic.
  • Birds that land on a windowsill should be chased away. If they tap on the window or fly into it, no matter if it is open or closed, it is considered an omen of death.
There are a plethora of other superstitions that Imzel has. Imzel will act in certain different ways depending on if she is interacting with spirits or with different environments.

Hobbies & Pets

Imzel has a barn owl fey familiar that is named Infinity. He also occasionally appeared as a tiger-like tressym. Imzel never lets Infinity sit near windows and often has him residing in the Feywild when not needed.


Imzel has a very round sounding voice, and will frequently trill her Rs. Her H sounds usually sound a little phlegmy. She may, on occasion, forget a minor word or two in her sentences. She typically has a bit deeper than average voice, but not excessively. She speaks a bit slowly, makes super to clearly articulate all of the letters in her words, and puts emphasis on most of her words.

Wealth & Financial state

Due to her employment with B.A.S.E., Imzel has acquired a significant amount of material wealth. However, Imzel's wealth is mainly stored in the form of expensive material components for her spells. Imzel puts little value on the accumulation of wealth and is readily willing to share what she has with those in need.
"Lepsheeh hrrst preeahtehlstvah, ah kohvohz duhkahtohv."
"A handful of friendship is better than a wagon load of gold."
  • A Rashemaar saying regarding kindness and the value of wealth.
  • Imzel is a Rashemaar woman who currently works for BASE. She was born and raised in the Snow Tiger lodge in Dernovia, Rashemen. She is a Corporal of the Rashemen division of the Knights of the Mystic Fire.

    Character Location
    View Character Profile
    Lawful Good
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    Corporal of the Knights of the Mystic Fire, Rashemen division
    Date of Birth
    Mirtul 21, 1470 DR.
    Current Residence
    Dark reddish brown
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    5'5 ft
    114 lbs
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "Cho mahmeh, oh toh nehdbahmeh ah zah ihnyem sah shahnah meh." "We disregard what we've got, always chasing what we've not."
    "Svoyeh vehcih nehkvahl, a cud zieh nehhahn." "Don't praise what is yours; don't belittle what is another's."
    "Ee vehlkee duhb bohl kehdeesee lehn zah luhdohm." "Even a giant oak was once an acorn."
    "Dohbra prahtsah sahmah sah chvahlee." "Fine work is its own flattery."
    Known Languages
    Common, Rashemi, Sylvan, Draconic, Primordial

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