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Ion Xera

Captain Ion Xera

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ion sports a lean and lithe physique without much muscle definition.

Body Features

Ion's body is covered in Lichtenburg figures, though they are incredibly difficult to see on account of her skin tone.

Special abilities

Ion is an immensely powerful astramancer, capable of summoning storms and ripping the sky apart with lightning.

Apparel & Accessories

Ion is most typically adorned in a suit of full plate designed to be light enough for her and extremely conductive. Atop her armor she sports a bomber jacket. Both armor and jacket display the symbols of Akadi and Volkur.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ion, 'The Danger of Dagger River', 'Sparky'; Ion went by many names in her time in Eberron. A time spent trapped in ceaseless combat with House Lyrandar. For nothing got under the Captain's skin more than the servitude of Elementals. Sure, she hated slavery in all its forms, but if she didn't fight for Elementals... who would? So Ion made sure her many names were as infamous as possible in Eberron. Raiding Lyrandar airships and liberated the bound Elementals. The pathway between Sharn and Wroat was her personal go-to area. But doesn't mean she wasn't felt all over Khorvaire. She and her team, her family, worked together towards their common goal. But with the near endless resources of house Lyrandar they needed a new approach.   So Ion, together with Sophia and a number of Engineers, tracked down a rare material from the elemental plane of air. Refining it into a black orb. It had a way of storing and replicating energy. So, Ion had the bright Idea to zap that SOB. The resulting electrical discharge fried the lab and half the engineers. Before the survivors could recuperate, house Lyrandar assaulted the lab. Stealing the orb, the lodestone. Ion, reckless as usual, immediately began pursuing them. Eventually catching up and seizing the airship by force. Now exhausted and left to man the airship by herself, she could do very little to stop the remaining airships pursuing her. What she didn't count on though, was what happened when she tried to fly through that storm. A storm like no other. Ion steered through a particularly dense and charged cloud and emerged on the other side... to a world she didn't know... and a ship that no longer functioned... aaaand there's the ground. Before the ship plummeted she caught a glimpse of a town a few miles out. So she hobbled her way into town.. into Driftriver.   It took a bit of time to get through the bureaucratic nonsense, but as soon as she was able to, Ion hired a team to go retrieve the lodestone while she rested. Eventually the retrieval team returned, prize in hand, and that team, well they're still around. Ion wasn't ready to move on from her old friends so quickly... but days turned to weeks, then to months and coworkers turned to family. Everything seemed to be smooth sailing, or it would be if they could get that airship back together. The only problem being... a team of highly trained and equipped assassins tracking her down across a planes, kidnapping her and torturing her. No biggie right? Well that would have been the end of the story if it weren't for that new family of hers. They just so happened to track her down and rescue her. (Ion: "I couldn't be more proud of them, or relieved for that matter.") Ion recovered nicely, she took some time off and away from Driftriver. (Probably off seeing weird visions about doomsday in a cave or something.) But once she returned, she came back with a vengeance, and the final steps... and funding... they needed to get their former pile of scraps into the air. A rebranded beauty "The Odyssey" (Now 100% bound elemental free. This message was paid for by the anti Lyrandar movement.) powered by the lodestone... and a little extra juice from Ion.

Gender Identity

As a changeling, Ion does not identify towards any singular gender.


Ion has not received a formal education, however her mother taught her as much as should could in her miniscule time at home.


Ion is currently employed by BASE.

Morality & Philosophy

Ion takes a resolute stance against enslavement. She always tries her best to do right by those around her and make a positive impact on the world, but she certainly won't let rules stop her from doing what she believes to be right.


Family Ties

No known living blood relatives.

Religious Views

Pays pragmatic respect to Akadi and Volkur.


Constantly fidgeting and tapping her fingers.


Subconsciously mimics speech patterns of those she's speaking with.

Tempestuous Captain of the Odyssey with a penchant for disregarding plans and jumping into action.

Current Location
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Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Captain of the Odyssey
Date of Birth
30th of Nightal
Current Residence
The Odyssey, Elysium.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
132 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"We got this." - Ion addressing the gathering of BASE agents prior to the conflict with Aurgloroasa

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