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Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Niyah has a petite, lithe build without much muscle definition. She carries herself with a relaxed posture but never slouching.

Body Features

Niyah, with her bloodline in the Feywild, has similar traits to many elves. She has a thin waist and small shapely breasts. Her skin is a flawless pale green such as the colors of spring; most of the time. Even with her short stature she has the customary slightly elongated legs and torso. Like most elves, she has no hair on her body except what's on her head.

Facial Features

Niyah has a soft jawline and seemingly flawless skin. She has a petite nose and thin lips that fit her face and form well. Her eyes are a yellow green color with a faint green pigment to her sclera. She often keeps her soft green hair down to her shoulders but, when it comes to business or combat she ties it up into a ponytail or bun to keep it out of her enchanting eyes.

Identifying Characteristics

Niyah is often sporting large translucent fairy wings that come out of her back. Most of the time these wings are just decoration but they can become more grounded in the Prime with the right magics allowing her full and rapid flight.

Special abilities

Niyah is an incredibly charming person. Beyond her obvious beauty and approachable personality, she is also blessed with the charming magic of the fey. She is immune to the magical charms of others while being able to enthrall them in her own performances. She can even reflect those magics back at the original person trying to charm her. She is extremely persuasive and her personality doesn't allow others to think she would be deceiving them in anyway.

Apparel & Accessories

Farie Performing Outfit:

Niyah is often found just in her white sundress that fades to a vibrant green. It has yellow flowers embroidered with silver towards the base of the dress and falls a short distance above the knees. She also wears dark green combat boots for the often difficult terrain of travel and combat. Although, she has also been seen performing in a green fairy outfit and conducting business in a green pinstripe suit.  

Pendent of Future Moments:

Often hidden, she wears a small golden pendent with a dark green emerald set into the center. The emerald has a design set into it with the sigil of Oberon, King of the Seelie Court.  

Flute of the Seelie Court:

Niyah is never without her silver flute. It has thin designs of green leaves that go throughout the instrument. This magical flute was a gift from her Godfather, Oberon, and also infused with drops at BASE.  

Oberon's Notebook:

This small green notebook has golden leaf filigree around the boarders but no other identifiers. Oberon often gifts Niyah with instruction on magic and other things through this notebook as it really is the only book she reads.  


Niyah often appears with a couple other accessories on her person with less significance.  

Thigh Clips:

Niyah wears a pair of double leather belts modified with bronze clips on her upper thighs, hidden under her dress. These often hold her flute, potions, important small pouches such as some gold or spell components, and a small dagger. What's fashion without a bit of security.  


Most adventurers carry around a ton of equipment in large backpacks. Niyah has decided to go with the much lighter, smaller and, more stylish option of a magical green Haversack. This extradimensional pocket utilizing pack normally has everything she would need for a mission and not during combat.  


Niyah prefers not to wear armor when she can get away with it but when out on mission there isn't much of a choice if she wants to make it out alive. When needed, she wears a tailor fitted set of dark green studded leather. It mostly covers just her torso but also comes with leather bracers. This gives her minimal but efficient protection.

Specialized Equipment

Niyah specializes in back line offense and battlefield manipulation. She often launches beams of Summer Fire (EB) and pushes enemies around from invisibility or from a globe of darkness. She has also adopted the tactic of trying to get enemies in a magical paralysis for her allies to apply critical damage to the unfortunate individuals.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Niyah was born and raised in the Feywild. She doesn't remember who birthed her and has never found them out. The story she was told is that when she was a baby, she was saved by an old man that was fishing in a river. She does remember that old man raising and taking care of her. He taught her how to play the flute and gave her a book and helped her read and use magic. They would play pranks on each other and passersby. Time went on as she helped the old man and enjoyed the basic life he provided her. Occasionally he would leave for days at a time for hunting and other things. He often left a beautiful dryad to watch after Niyah who goes by the name of Cindeara. After a time, a group of soldiers came to the old man's house and said he needed to return to rule his people properly. The man reveled himself to be Oberon, King of the Seelie Court and brought Niyah back with him. She performed in his courts as an entertainer by singing, dancing, and playing the flute he had taught her. She was happy for a long time but, Oberon asked her to explore a new world for him. She was happy to oblige. She appeared just on the outskirts of Driftriver and figured that would be just a fine place to start.

Gender Identity

Female, feminine



Niyah has no formal education. She mostly knows the things she has experienced or been taught to her by her Godfather.


Niyah is currently employed by BASE in Driftriver. She is also self employed as an artist and musician.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Niyah has quickly raised through the ranks of BASE, completing many missions with full success. She has even been selected for a position in ‘Da Truest Heroz of Da Realms’. Niyah was also part of the delegation who went with Clifford to the Dales Council to help establish Driftriver as a recognized power in the Dalelands.

Mental Trauma

Niyah often looks at the world with a positive outlook. However, there are a couple situations, on mission, which have changed her personal preparedness.   The First: The party was split by a cave-in underground. She was unable to do anything about this and had to go get back up from the surface. This split caused the temporary death of one of her close friends, Ernst, and potentially the death of other members of the team if not for a certain Artificer tiefling and her friendly little healing bot. From that day forward she always keeps earth moving magic at the ready and takes every enemy more seriously, no matter their size.   The Second: The party was trying to find a terrorist who attacked Driftriver. During this, they had to cross a dark crevasse on a stone bridge. Expecting enemies or a trap to be under the bridge, Niyah was lowered down and was surprised by the enemy who cut the rope suspending her. She fell to her eventual death. Luckily, her body was recovered, and she was revived. She then vowed to take more precaution in her battles. She also always keeps alerting magic on her person as to not be surprised by enemies again.

Intellectual Characteristics

Niyah is bubbly free loving spirit who looks brightly towards others and their intentions. She is often optimistic even in dire straits and will try to encourage others of the same thing. She is very independent but, enjoys working with others for the collective goal. Niyah can be very forward and doesn't find shame in saying things outright as long as it wouldn't cause damage to a political or social situation. She does, however, hold the emotions and self-esteem of her friends, lovers, and companions in high regard. She wouldn't hurt someone's feelings if she can help it.

Morality & Philosophy

Niyah believes that good things (from her personal viewpoint) should be done when possible. She understands the world isn't black and white though, instead full of grays and individual views. She views all people in an equal light until they or the people they stand with prove themselves otherwise. Killing and death are another part of nature. She will show mercy when able but, often puts the safety of the group and innocents first. If an enemy set free would go to kill the people she has allied with or those who live a good honest life, she would rather kill them in cold blood than to risk the lives she values more.


Being brought up with the fey, Niyah hates when people lie to her. Very few people have the chance to redeem themselves in the face of an outright lie. However, deception or cunning word play often only bring a level of caution rather than scorn.

Personality Characteristics


Being a free spirit brings with it a global lack of direction. Niyah often looks to her friends and occupations for motivation. Otherwise, she does as she likes day to day. Often looking to brighten someone's day by performing.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Niyah is more charming and talented in music and art than most and knows it. Some may see a large problem with her is her lack of knowledge in the arcane, history, or pretty much anything that would require study and books.

Likes & Dislikes


Performing, dancing, drinking liquor, eating food, sweets, painting, sex, kicking ass, baths, flying, people, many other things.  


Bad people, lies, strict rules.

Virtues & Personality perks

Niyah is happy to help any of her friends with anything they need whether it be monetarial, physical, emotional, magical or, otherwise.

Vices & Personality flaws

Niyah loves to drink and party. She would do so for days if people could keep up.


Niyah loves to bathe and keep clean but isn't afraid to get her hands dirty if its required.


Contacts & Relations

Oberon, King of the Seelie Court; Godfather


Corporal Imzel Stayanoga
Captain Akaarys Fazulath

Religious Views

Niyah acknowledges the existance of the gods, but doesn't pray to them. She doesn't mind if others do either.

Social Aptitude

Niyah is the extroverted social butterfly that everyone enjoys being around.


Niyah has a tendancy to find most things funny is some way or another so is often found giggling. She also uses her iconic wink and smile combo to set an air of gregarity in a tense situation, that hasn't broken down into violence, that she would prefer to keep civil.


Niyah tends to have a bright cheerful timbre any time she talks. She often talks quickly and excitedly.

Wealth & Financial state

Niyah is quite wealthy from her own business and going on missions. However, she often reinvests her wealth back into the business. Otherwise she spends it on nights of drinks, food, and helping others.

Born and raised in the Feywild, Niyah is a bubbly free spirit who is optimistic and quick to befriend others. She currently works for BASE in Driftriver and has a studio for her art and music downtown in the D.Bold Plaza.

Current Location
D.Bold Plaza, Driftriver
View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Date of Birth
Ches 19, 1259. Not knowing her actual birthday she was granted one by her Godfather to be celebrated on the Spring Equinox of the Prime Material Plane.
The Feywild
Current Residence
D.Bold Plaza, Driftriver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Green
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Sylvan, Draconic, and Common Sign Language.

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