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Quinton Arnjaunor

Quinton Arnjaunor (a.k.a. Ilmater's Headmaster)

Keywords Healer, Priest, Saint, Ilmater, Orphanage, Holy, Divine, Stonemason Major Themes Healing, Toughness, Endurance, Holy Scripture, Fatherly Behavior. Goals "Establish an orphanage and place of worship to Ilmater. **COMPLETE** Protect the lives and way of life of his family and home. **Ongoing.** Spread the word of Ilmater and the Triad." Development Arc Quinton was a priest operating an orphanage of middling success who gained economic opportunity through a lifestyle he is not well suited for; adventuring. Quinton's development arc is the progress of building this orphanage and using it as a platform to practice his faith by improving the lives of the suffering. From this platform he also preaches the word of his god, Ilmater. Quinton is eventually recognized as a saint due to his selflessness and helping of the poor, sick and needy. Personality Traits "I am utterly serene, even in the face of disaster. I feel tremendous empathy for all who suffer. " Ideals "Faith. I trust that Ilmater will guide my actions. I have faith that if I work hard, things will go well. (Lawful) Respect. Respect is due to all people regardless of station. Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity. (Good)" Bonds I sponsor an orphanage, Hyssop Home, to keep others from enduring hardship. My wife, Imna Arnjaunor, is a woman of Angelic blood. Together we serve a holy purpose. Flaws I strayed from my faith's original mission and do not believe myself worthy to commune with Ilmater directly. Role they fill in a group Quinton is a healer and support role who is even willing to put his body on the line to protect his allies. Quinton is almost not capable of dealing meaningful damage to opponents. OOC What kind of games do you like? Quinton only functions in very difficult games which necessitate a healer. In lower difficulty games or high social games he makes a poor fit. He overwhelms weaker forces by removing the threat of combat and in social cases he is a bit of a 'stick in the mud.' Rate the following 1-7, 1 being most Storytelling 2 Problem Solving 3 Exploring 5 Acting 7 Instigating 6 Fighting 1 Optimizing 4 Species Race Human Subrace Clan or Subdivision Quinton's bloodline is that of eastern Amn, though his swarthy skin color suggests that his family may have arrived in Amn under unusual circumstances. His family lacks any written records or concrete knowledge as to their origins. Alignment Lawful Good Orderliness Quinton believes that the world is subject to the laws of a higher power, specifically his god Ilmater. He views those laws as inviolable and holds himself to a very high standard of living. Ilmater is the god of forgiveness, and consequently Quinton is not quick to judge or seek punitive action on those who violate the law. This leads to a pious but somewhat unreactionary relationship with the law of the land. Goodness Quinton is a deeply 'good' individual who is willing to offer mercy, help, healing, assistance and reform to any who he sees as having the potential to recover and 'make good' of their life. Quinton deeply believes that each individual contains a true kernel of greatness that, with proper cultivation, can bloom into a healthy well adjusted individual. Quinton believes that by reforming the structure of the world that each individual will be able to realize this natural potential for goodness. Locus of Motivation Quinton is internally motivated according to his spiritual convictions. While Quinton has not had a particularly strong relationship with Ilmater in terms of direct communication he is a natural at intuiting and teaching the word of his god. This interpretation of Ilmater's code of ethics informs and drives Quinton's decisions. Second to this is his desire to protect and make good for his family and the orphanage. Social Investment Quinton is simultaneously the core of a major social group while himself being a fairly asocial individual. Quinton spent a great number of years in isolation, processing the shame of his choice to depart from his faith's mission. This period of his life made him very comfortable with a life of isolation and independence.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Health & Fitness Quinton is a man possessed of mediocre physical characteristics, what strength his body is capable of mustering being borne from the willingness to push himself beyond any sense of fatigue or pain. Quinton is superbly healthy due to Ilmater's blessings, and he eats to sustain and fuel his health. Abnormalities & Illnesses Quinton's body is abnormally hard, giving the impression of knotted wood. The density of his flesh seems to be related to the many healings he has undergone, some in part due to the Sufferings, a religious practice within Ilmater's faithful in which they voluntarily experience pain in order to ground themselves in their principles.

Body Features

Body Shape Quinton is an average man with proportional features. He is not particularly in shape, though what physical activity he does perform keeps him in 'dad bod' shape. Body Features Quinton has light body hair. At times he has visible scars or freshly healed wounds.

Facial Features

Facial Features Quinton has gaunt facial features, with prominent cheekbones and deep-set eyes. Quinton has dark marks on the skin of his face, whether they are freckles, scars or birthmarks is unknown. Hairstyle Quinton's grey and black hair is worn in natural dreadlocks which he loosely bundles and pulls back. The sides of his head are shaved closely. Facial Hair Quinton has a moderately kept beard, flecked through with grey.

Identifying Characteristics

Identifying Features Quinton's best identifying characteristic is his unusual hairstyle.

Physical quirks

Physical Quirks Quinton walks in a way which de-emphasizes the movement of his upper body. His stiff gait and placid face which betrays little emotion can be unsettling and make others uncomfortable. Quinton does not react to pain, seemingly complacent in the face of discomfort or personal suffering.

Special abilities

Talents Quinton is a highly skilled healer and architect; having an exceptional eye for detail and an intuition that allows him to quickly identify critical functions in the body just as quickly as he recognizes core pillars within architecture. Quinton's abnormal physical toughness is in some part due to an unusually strong will to live. Physiological Quinton's tough body is the product of physical training, spiritual hardening and a lifetime of hard living. Despite his recent success he rarely allows comfort to dull the edge of his lifestyle. Social Quinton is a preacher capable of convincing others through logic and the confidence he has in his beliefs. While he lacks the natural charisma of those who work through charm his soft-spoken but incontrovertible confidence grant him the ability to persuade others of the righteousness of his faith. Spiritual Quinton is deeply attuned to spiritual concepts though his magical ability is primarily invoked through an understanding of the weave. Quinton is capable of minor divine magic though his greater abilities are driven by a natural magical intuition. Magical Quinton is a grandmaster wizard borne of study and research. He has spoken the words of Ilmater's teachings so many times that he has gained the ability to heal the wounds of others through simple prayers without exertion. Quinton is also capable of removing many afflictions with a single touch. Quinton is capable of channeling divine energy into the weave of his spells granting them additional effects.

Apparel & Accessories

Style Quinton's style is simplistic and rustic, giving the impression of the priest of a small village. Clothing Quinton wears the vestments of a priest of Ilmater. His robes are not luxurious nor intended to be impressive. Instead of fine white robes with deep reds common in higher ranking members of the Ilmateri, Quinton wears dull grey robes made of simpler cloth with muted red trim. Identifiers The symbol of Hyssop Home, a bundle of Hyssop flowers bound with red cord is embroidered as a small badge into Quinton's robe across his right breast. Accessories Quinton wears red cords bound to his wrists; a symbol of his faith. These cords are never removed from his wrists, and may not be able to be removed. Casual Clothes Quinton rarely wears anything other than his vestments.

Specialized Equipment

Weapons Quinton carries no weapons of any kind. Armor Quinton wears white full plate armor with an odd matte finish. The armor is made of an unusual material; a mithral and mizzium infused ceramic composite. The armor is designed to be worn in combination with his priestly vestments, protecting him while displaying his faith. Quinton also carries a mastercrafted shield blessed by Ilmater's touch. The shield bears the deep imprint of Ilmater's Palm, a holy symbol which pulses with divine energy. Tools Quinton is a stonemason and architect, but he does not carry these tools with him in his travels. He is known to use his spellcasting to reshape stone and provide for the needy communities. Special Items Quinton's greatest treasure is his Saint's Braids, blessed red cords granted him by his god Ilmater. He wears these around his wrists. Quinton also has an orb of light he uses for providing relief in field hospitals and areas of danger. Quinton carries a number of other holy objects, including a number of animated cords in the form of a rope and another as a flail. To assist in his serving as a doctor Quinton has a ring of X-Ray vision which he uses to evaluate the extend of illness or wounds, allowing him to quickly diagnose and treat those in need. Spellcasting Focus Quinton's spellcasting focus is Ilmater's Palm Print, pressed into his shield.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Full Backstory in Journals Childhood Quinton was the second born son to his parents, Emyl and Uhone in the city of Eshpurta in eastern Amn. His older brother Mathieu was raised as the heir to the family leatherworking business while his younger brother Louise received the darling attentions of his parents. Quinton grew up as a quiet dependable boy who worked hard for his parents and performed well in his studies. Quinton's greatest joys as a child were the trips to the temple of Ilmater; he marveled at the awe-inspiring architecture and fantastic stone cathedral and he began to believe deeply in the words spoken in the impressive place. The calm endurance and strength of Ilmater spoke to him spiritually and he began to apply himself to the teachings. Recognized for his diligence as a child and his potential with learning he was a natural fit to join the clergy. Teenager Quinton's teenage years were spent cloistered within the temples learning the teachings of Ilmater. Quinton showed great promise in his training as a healer, helped by his early years working leather clean and also managing the stitching. His divine magical potential was only mediocre, but his capacity to retain the teachings of the faith were nearly unprecedented. Quinton studied deeply to overcome his shortcomings and was soon able to weave the required magics to reach his milestones using arcane magic. Quinton was given a mission with other acolytes to tend to the plague-stricken Berdusk in 1468 DR, the last test before he would be anointed as one of the Ilmatari. Adulthood "Dispatched on a mission to provide relief for those suffering a plague in the city of Berdusk, he found the city suffering greatly. While tending the ill he came to realize a greater problem; the children of the dead and dying found themselves dispossessed. The healthy populace would have nothing to do with the potentially diseased children, and they soon began following their parents, plague or not.   Determined to make a difference Quinton sought these children out, and where others had refused to look at them with more than a pitying and furtive glance, Quinton took their hands in his own, and formed the Bound Hands Orphanage in Ilmater's honor in the city of Secomber. While a capable administrator and headmaster, and a stern yet fair father of the children, Quinton struggled to provide the full dimension of care the children needed. Fortunately he met another believer in Imna, an Aasimar woman with a warm gentleness that left Quinton smitten. Quinton pursued her, and she accepted him. They married soon after, with Imna converting to Ilmater and swearing herself to be Oathmother of the children of the Bound Hands Orphanage. Imna brought the gentleness and social grace that Quinton lacked, and the Orphanage began to prosper.     The Orphanage struggles to care for all of the children, but recent wealth garnered through work with the Hawthorne guild has swelled the Orphanage's coffers and thus ability to ensure the survival and development of the children. Quinton has been carefully saving his coin and is considering relocating to Lerwick, where he would construct an Orphanage capable of housing more children, and more Ilmatari to care for them.   Quinton would later relocate to the city of Driftriver due to far realm influences having forcibly relocated Hyssop Home."

Gender Identity

Gender Identity Heterosexual


Sexuality Quinton is heterosexual and views romance as a practical matter in which people join life missions and goals. Quinton is not incapable of tender feelings or romance and takes his role as a partner diligently but he is not prone to outbursts of passion. Type Attracted To Quinton likes individuals with +CHA, ++CON -STR. Quinton finds socially capable and gentle women to be most attractive, those that he views as having good motherly qualities. In general he appreciates those who favor social solutions and maneuvering around combat, and those who are tough enough to withstand hurt when it arrives. In general he finds brute force to be unattractive and views those who rely on it with some distrust. Libido Quinton is a low to moderate libido individual.He does not find sexuality repulsive or intimate acts to be unattractive, he simply often has other things in life he prioritizes over these aspects of his life. Promiscuity Quinton sees sex as a component of relationship building and healthy maintenance. He does not see much value in promiscuous behavior and does not pursue it. He is deeply faithful to his wife, Imna, and will resist any temptation.


Education Level Quinton was educated in the temple of Ilmater. He has since educated himself on a number of subjects for the purpose of teaching the children of his orphanage. Notable Masters Quinton has no specific master in his trades.


Employment History Quinton apprenticed as a leatherworker at his parent's business as a teenager, where he developed his anatomical understanding and stitching skills. As a young man Quinton worked in Ilmater's temple in Eshpurta which led him on his mission to Berdusk. After departing his mission he opened an orphanage and worked as a healer and in many cases lived off the donations the city could provide. Current Work Quinton is the patron of Hyssop Home and an adventurer with the Bureau of Adventing Services and Employment. Side Jobs Quinton is an active practicing healer, though he is past accepting money from others for his work.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Accomplishments & Achievements Quinton has contributed to the survival and growth of dozens of children. He has also personally healed thousands of ill and needy. He is known as a saint by the people of the Savage Frontier. Greatest Memories Quinton was dipped into lava by an adult red dragon. Despite his body being completely enveloped by the boiling stone his faith in Ilmater saw him through, and as he rose to the top his wounds were healed by the strength of his faith though his robe was irrecoverable. This was akin to a baptism for Quinton as it affirmed the strength of his faith.

Failures & Embarrassments

Failures & Embarrassments Quinton feels some shame over leaving his mission earlier in his life, but he believes he made the right choice. Early in his operations of the Bound Hands Orphanage Quinton came quite close to having to close the doors and seek other orphanages for the children. That feeling of imminent failure was the closest that Quinton's resolve came to breaking. Worst Memories The loss of one of his adopted children, Merric. The halfling boy died shortly after beginning a life of adventuring that he began due to following in Quinton's footsteps.

Mental Trauma

Mental Trauma Quinton has an unusual relationship with fire. Having been baptized in lava by a red dragon and also having endured a storm of burning stars as three archmages cast three Meteor Swarms at once in the fear realm. Quinton also wields fire in some of his spells, due to the way it can be used to cauterize wounds when needed. He can underestimate the damage that fire can do. Phobias Quinton only fears for the safety of his family, and is quick to do all he can to protect them.

Intellectual Characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics Quinton is patient, stubborn, faithful and dedicated. He is not a man of curiosity beyond his very narrow fields of interest; due to this his intellect can be underestimated by those who are better studied. Confidence Quinton is confident in himself to the point of indifference to others. His self esteem is built on a practiced lifestyle of humanitarian effort and discipline.

Morality & Philosophy

Philosophical views Quinton is deeply involved in both magic and spirituality and views them as avenues towards helping others. Quinton holds very practical views underpinned by the spiritual views of Ilmater. Life can be difficult and rife with potential harm and suffering. There are opportunities and resources, gifts from gods, which grant others the strength to grow and withstand the suffering to become more. Those who can are morally obligated to protect and provide for others to protect the ultimate truth, that each life matters. Views on Religion Quinton is a deeply spiritual individual serving as a priest of Ilmater. Quinton holds tolerant views towards all other religions though he actively advances Ilmater's beliefs and agenda; this extends to the Triad. Despite holding strong spiritual beliefs Quinton is not an active missionary seeking to convert others, but he actively professes the teachings of Ilmater as an act of worship and affirmation. Views on Magic Quinton is a deeply talented wizard. While he eschews many of the spells which most traditional wizards pursue, instead using the weave to produce divine magical effects, he is capable of learning and understanding many forms of magic. Quinton's natural stubbornness and introspective nature allows him to intuit the functions of many spells and wizardly pursuits. Quinton's limited spell scope is a choice built on his personal beliefs. Views on Society All people contain an essence of truthful goodness to them and all persons can be redeemed and forgiven. Harm comes upon all invevitably, it is a part of any life. Ilmater provides the strength to endure and grow past the pain. What matters most is the path forward, the twining of lives together and their thriving future.


Taboos Quinton views cruelty, heartlessness and sadism as affronts to his spirituality and the nature of how he believes the world should be. Quinton also views excesses of luxury and life to be unnecessary frivolities and wasteful of the bounty of life. Enemies Quinton bears no enmity towards any but worshippers of Loviatar. Racial Friction Quinton sees all races as children of life and capable of achieving compassion and coexistence.

Personality Characteristics


Reason for Becoming an Adventurer Quinton became a theurge wizard due to his intense study and faith. Due to not being ordained as a cleric he recreated divine magic through a deep understanding driven by the appreciation of the value of Ilmater's teachings. Quinton exercised his skills as a healer in the adventuring world in an effort to generate wealth through which he could better care for his orphanage and the many children. Goals "Establish an orphanage and place of worship to Ilmater. **COMPLETE** Protect the lives and way of life of his family and home. **Ongoing.** Spread the word of Ilmater and the Triad." Positives, Ego Boosters Quinton is emboldened by his faith and his belief that Ilmater preserves and protects. For all those in his care to survive and thrive is the true joy of Quinton's life and reassures him of his faith and ideals. Quinton gains deep satisfaction from successfully seeing others grow to reach their full potential. Negatives, Fears Quinton only fears burying his children, other things he sees only as another trial and challenge in life. Quinton's belief that all life is capable of being nurtured into goodness conflicts with the savagery of the world and the truth that not all children survive or reach their potential. Guarded Secrets Quinton failed his original mission to be ordained as a cleric. Quinton believes he saw an epiphany on the value of children in the world, that they were the well from which all growth and betterment of the world sprung from. Quinton has chosen not to have any biological children because he fears he may favor them over his adopted children. Desired Objects or Knowledge Quinton is fully satisfied with his understanding and beliefs about the world. Quinton holds a personal relationship with Ilmater which fulfilled one of his only incomplete desires in life. Despite Quinton's intellect he lacks a fundamental curiosity about the breadth of the world, instead favoring a narrow field of deep expertise and understanding.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Greatest Strengths Quinton remains placid in the face of any terror or horror. Quinton's composure is deeply rooted in his spiritual belief that Ilmater will grant him the strength to withstand any adversity. Quinton's stubbornness and faith are well matched, and despite his unimpressive physical stature his physical toughness and capacity to absorb punishment and recover is exceptional beyond nearly any human. Greatest Weaknesses Quinton is emotionally withdrawn and given the many adopted children has not always been able to provide for them emotionally. While Quinton is a great builder and provider for his wards, his heart is not the richest soil to cultivate the personalities of his wards. Natural Ineptitudes Quinton lacks in social skills and can suffer with nuanced concepts due to the inflexibility of his spiritual tenets. Quinton is also unremarkable as a physical specimen, and can boast of neither exceptional strength or coordination. He is a notoriously bad singer, despite putting his all into the hymnals.

Likes & Dislikes

Favorite Color Warm reds Favorite Foods, Flavors Quinton is not a picky eater. He most frequently eats bland food he has conjured or very plain foods with a potato heavy diet. Quinton would often eat the worst of those at the orphanage through the early years. Quinton does not see much value in eating for enjoyment and finds luxurious dining to be excessive. Treasured Items Quinton is not sentimental for worldly things. Material setbacks are not important as long as people survive to recover afterwards. This lack of sentiment can lead to some blindness towards the trauma associated to loss. Quinton does appreciate his blessed Saint's Braids and his book of Ilmater. Other Favored Things Quinton values his wedding ring from his marriage with Imna. Quinton also values Hyssop Home. Dislikes and Hates Quinton strongly dislikes cruelty and punitive behavior. Quinton likes peaceful places in which individuals grow and thrive.

Virtues & Personality perks

Virtues Quinton is forgiving and patient. He is almost always willing to help others and genuinely believes in the goodness of others. Perks Quinton is known as a healer and a man of great giving by people from the Sword Coast to the Dalelands. Quinton's recognition as a Saint is recent, but his fully realized potential has made his name one invoked by those seeking help.

Vices & Personality flaws

Vices Quinton is deeply comfortable in retreading common ground, especially in falling back on the passages from his Book of Ilmater. Flaws Quinton is capable of maintaining himself in unnecessarily harsh or less than stimulating situations far longer than is necessary as he is insensitive to discomfort and boredom. This can stifle the growth of the children he cares for as they require far greater activity and stimulation.

Personality Quirks

Ticks & Quirks "Quinton refers to all as friend, refers to those of the faith as his brother or sister, and refers to all children as my child. Quinton remains stoic in front of nearly anything, giving others the impression of emotional detachment." Comfort Items Quinton wears the red cords of Ilmater about his wrists, and often carries his Book of Ilmater to read from.


Hygiene & Grooming Quinton maintains a high grade of hygiene for purposes of controlling and preventing the spread of disease amongst the sick he often treats. Quinton is not particularly well groomed, his hair being kept in simple dreadlocks and his beard trimmed for need. Vanity & Modesty Quinton has very low vanity and does not feel driven to impress others. Quintons body is often scarred from terrible wounds he has recovered from, though his flesh is often restored by a number of magics. Quinton has little shame, feeling he can only be judged by Ilmater for his deeds or appearance. Tolerances Quinton does not judge others and is quick to forgive any social transgressions should he even notice them. Should he encounter those in need of better clothes or medical care he will act to assist.


Contacts & Relations

Birth Situation Quinton is the second of three brothers born to a couple of leatherworkers. His parents were named Emyl and Uhone, his older brother Mathieu and younger brother Louise. A middle child without the favor of his parents his greatest opportunity in life was to join the church of Ilmater. Birth City Eshpurta, the Shield City of Amn on the far eastern border. City Size and Character Eshpurta is a larger city with a powerful garrison of Amnian soldiers defending from threats along the border. It is also a city of grain and ranching; which provided a steady supply of leather to Quinton's family business. Influence on Background The city held a great number of followers of Ilmater who exercised their faith in enduring the border wars and practiced their skills in healing the wounded. The soldiers who left behind orphan families in Eshpurta were often taken care of by the Ilmateri establishments. This established a lot of Quinton's understanding of how the world could and should be; a people who stoically braved danger and who cared for one another and their families. How did you become a ‘’insert class’’ Quinton joined the church at an early age. He was a quick study within the temples of the Ilmater, quickly learning the scriptures and tenets. His knowledge of anatomy and in stitching skin from his background in leatherworking also made him a capable healer. In his first mission, after which Quinton would have been ordained as a cleric, he abandoned the mission. Not ordained as a cleric he still clung to the teachings of Ilmater and his belief and understanding lead him to reproduce the divine magics through study and practice, leading him down the path of a priestly theurge. Much later in his life Quinton was recognized as a cleric of Ilmater, recognized by his peers in the church. Quinton spoke with his god directly for the first time in his life at 45 years of age. Caretakers His parents Emyl and Uhone cared for him through to his apprenticeship with the church of Ilmater. Following this Quinton cared for himself within the Church's properties until he struck out on his own, gaining independence when he began a new life in Secomber. Wards Quinton currently cares for approximately three dozen orphans as well as a number of adult 'graduates' from Hyssop Home. Quinton is the patron of a large residential institution which provides for a large number of individuals. Role-Model or Past Hero Quinton idolizes concepts not people. All people are fallible, and in their fallible natures they are forgiven. Rival or Enemy Quinton has no specific enemies. He finds few behavior abhorrent and few creatures are reprehensible in the light of forgiveness. Friends Quinton is quick to call all friends, seeing nearly all as a potential friend. Quinton is on good terms with a number of individuals for the healing services rendered. Major Allies Quinton's greatest allies are his wife, Imna Arnjaunor, and his closest friend Hulfgar Nearwood. Quinton's disciple, Simone, is a devotee of Ilmater sworn to follow him through a spiritual and magical bond. Quinton is a leader of Hyssop Home and is naturally allied with all members of the home.

Family Ties

Parents, Siblings and Details Father Emyl and mother Uhone. Older brother Mathieu and younger brother Louise. Relationship with Family Quinton is estranged from his family having left the Church of Ilmater during his first mission to become ordained. Quinton has never repaired those ties. Given the size of his family within Hyssop Home he is quite busy as a family man. Family Goals Quinton is quite happy with his current family situation. He loves his wife Imna dearly and has raised many children with pride. Quinton does not wish to have his own biological children as he secretly fears he would lose his ability to love the children equally should his own child become a favorite.

Religious Views

Family Spirituality Ilmater. Quinton's family were among the faithful but he was the first in the family to enter the church. Spiritual Beliefs Quinton is a priest of Ilmater, an active preacher of His word, and a practitioner of the literal meanings of Ilmater. Quinton's beliefs most specifically align with Ilmater's precepts of Endurance, Healing, Forgiveness and Stoicism. Quinton is not the type to actively seek to persuade others to join him in worship, instead taking the mindset that a warm fire will encourage the cold and lonely to seek warmth. With this thought in mind he has built an Orphanage which grew into a residential institution. The hearth of his home a fire to keep away the dangers of the world and draw in the cold and needy. Spiritual Enemies Loviatar. The Ilmateri faithful have only one sworn spiritual enemy. The god of forgiveness offers all others a chance at redemption.

Social Aptitude

Personality Type INTP Action Profile Quinton is primarily intrinsically motivated by his spiritual beliefs. He does not attribute his decisions or actions to be the will of Ilmater, or act as if he is an agent of the divine, instead seeing himself instead more as an expert in a subject matter for a way of which he views as holistically correct and worth defending. Quinton can not be motivated out of social obligation or shame with any ease, and is willing to suffer embarassment and indignity with little reaction. Introvert or Extrovert Quinton is somewhat introverted but is not motivated to seek isolation or indepdence. Instead Quinton is simply capable of withstanding loneliness and isolation. Quinton does prefer to belong to a thriving social group as he does appreciate and enjoy the activities of life surrounding him. Avoidant or Direct Quinton is bluntly direct and can be uncompromising in cases where a threat or a disruptive force directly threatens his wards. Quinton can seem very avoidant in many other situations, due to his willingness to forgive others. With situations involving tasks or objects he is direct, but in situations involving people he can be distant and respectful.


Mannerisms Quinton has few mannerisms, appearing placid and still in many cases. Quinton is not wasteful of energy, and if not engaged his body will wait as his mind considers other business. Etiquette Quinton is mild-mannered and soft spoken who is often silent. He rarely projects his presence unless the situation calls for it. Quinton will show individuals respect, no matter their walk of life, offering them whatever due they prefer to receive in title and civility, but offering similar kindness to those outside of society as well.

Hobbies & Pets

Hobbies Quinton enjoys playing with the children and he is also a competent stonemason. He has a deep appreciation for architecture and his original admiration for the Church as a child may have sprung for the awe in which he viewed the great cathedral of Ilmater in Eshpurta. Profession if not Adventurer Quinton would be a humble priest or laborer within an orphanage or monastery to Ilmater. He has lived this life for many years before beginning his adventuring career.


Speech Quinton speaks with a steady voice carrying comfort and confidence. While unlikely to stir the passions of others it is reassuring and grounding, providing a sense of calmness and clarity. Quinton speaks very plainly and without much flowery language. Accent Quinton speaks with an Amnian accent, typical of his birthplace in Eshpurta.

Wealth & Financial state

Lifestyle Quinton is a man who prefers a simple and humble lifestyle. His spiritual beliefs and stoic nature cause him to chase few luxuries. Quinton will go with the flow of a situation and is unlikely to question it, meaning his wife Imna tends to dictate the living standards of the two. Quinton is a man who is early to rise and late to bed and fills his day with disciplined efforts to safeguard and improve the situation of others. Values Quinton values spirituality, discipline, kindness, mercy and compassion. Quinton is quick to forgive trespass and is highly tolerant of others. Quinton values all as friends, and believes that spiritually all are linked.

Faithful priest of Ilmater, headmaster of Hyssop Home and compassionate healer of the suffering.

Current Location
Hyssop Home, City of Driftriver
View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Titles Ilmater's Headmaster, The Saint of Hyssop Home Story Awards & Renown Quinton has had no major story rewards. His primary accomplishments have been in the development and construction of Hyssop Home and the improvement of the lives of those therein. Infamy & Criminal Record Quinton is viewed as infamous by none and has no criminal record.
Date of Birth
5 Mirtul, 1448 DR
Eshpurta, the Shield City of Amn on the far eastern border.
Current Residence
Hyssop Home, City of Driftriver
Black, Greying
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
159 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
Quotes "The words spoken by the healer need not be profound, only comforting. A mother who hushes and soothes a child does so with tone and tenor. Comfort them thusly." - Book of Ilmater 1:8 Catchphrases "Friend"
Known Languages
Known Languages Common, Celestial Hated Languages None

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Quinton Arnjaunor: New Foundations

Quinton set the cap of a heavily bent scroll case, now just a dented tube, on a wide wooden table. He rolled the simple tin tube over in his hands, giving thanks one more time for the sturdy construction, even if the case would never be used again. Gingerly he reached inside and began to fish out the contents; three rolled blueprints. The paper struggled against the bends in the tin tube but eventually came free, even if now very wrinkled. The blueprints were unrolled onto the table and held flat by books, an ink pot, a small box and even the tin tube, worth little more than a paper weight at this point. Quinton stared down at the creased heavy paper, his dark brown eyes scanning the blueprints. The damage was cosmetic; at least on the blueprints. As for the structure the blueprints represented…   Quinton tapped his fingers on the table, a rare sign of frustration for him. Slightly less than half of the home had been salvageable in some way. Most of the house itself had been destroyed, but many of the soft goods, trunks of clothes, some rugs, some bedding and whatnot had been recoverable. The residents had taken what personal belongings they could salvage from the tragedy and the rest had been carted away from the site of the wreck in the training grounds of Hilliard. Since then the residents of Hyssop Home had been living in B.A.S.E. provided housing and in the hotels of Octavia Walk.   Quinton had overseen the clean-up, trying to ensure that as much was saved as possible but he soon found himself superfluous as the people of Driftriver were surprisingly adept at handling projects like this. It was a part of daily life to clear rubble and handle disasters like this. Quinton did admire their enduring spirits. The city workers were all too happy to have their work made easier when Quinton purchased a lot in the western part of the city and arranged for the debris and rubble to be carted there instead of well outside of town for dumping.   Quinton looked up from his blueprints and faced the mountains of rubble and debris. Before him was a broken home, a fractured place. Quinton was no stranger to breaks and fractures, and his instincts as a healer were to mend. It would be a lot of work, but it was certainly possible. Quinton was not a man of levity but even he could appreciate that this place of healing was now a place of healing. But was that the right path? His dark brown eyes returned to the blueprints as he considered.   Quinton had become a student of stonemasonry late in his life, one of the rare times his intellect had been drawn to a topic other than Ilmater’s scripture. His first orphanage, the Bound Hands in Secomber had always been on the verge of failure, a dream built on a single man’s stubbornness. The Bound Hands had been a lesson in humility. Hyssop Home in Lerwick had been a success, though. He had learned much in building it, and he had also studied the subject carefully. Had he learned much since then? Quinton ran his hands over the blueprint, his hands smoothing the wrinkles as he considered the details. He shuffled the papers as he moved from the first floor to the second floor, and then once again as he shuffled to the designs for the Triadral, the great cathedral he had never built. For the briefest of moments his hands lingered on the paper as he regretted not being able to build it. Not yet, anyway.   Chastising himself inwardly for the unnecessary thoughts he returned to the first blueprint, Hyssop Home’s first floor. No, there were few things he saw to improve. Not in the blueprint, anyway. The space surrounding the home, in that there was much to improve. Hyssop Home had become a place of some traffic, and heavily worn footpaths did little to contain the bounding energy of the children as they trampled in the hyssop patches. There had also been few places for guests who had visited. There could be improvements, but the spirit and identity of Hyssop Home was strong.   Quinton looked again to the mountains of rubble and debris. The carters had been kind enough to separate the components roughly by material, which would certainly save time. Truly, this would be his largest patient, surpassing the adult brass dragon he had one ministered to. Healing Hyssop Home would take great effort and patience, but Quinton had never been a man to turn away from labor and his conviction could not be questioned. He turned and walked from the table, rolling the sleeves of his simple grey and red robes up. He began to chant the words to Move Earth; the earth of the lot beginning to yield to his touch as the earth began to flatten. Nearby one of the mounds collapsed slightly as the ground shuddered, a clump of earth tumbling from the pile. A healthy young sprout of hyssop recently sprouted what had once been a portion of a flowerbed.   “From a seedling then, we shall regrow.” Quinton bowed his head in the direction of the simple green stalk. Hyssop meant cleanliness and sacrifice in the language of flowers; it was a plant used for healing and purification. Hyssop Home would endure. On the table the blueprints fluttered gently in the breeze, as if a breath of fresh had roused them to dance.   Quinton can often be found in Montz working on the establishment of Hyssop Home.

Quinton: The Arrival of Simone

Quinton woke with a start, sitting up in bed as he caught his breath. His awakening had disturbed Imna, his wife as she rolled over to look at him. “Trouble sleeping again? Same nightmare about the lava?” She asked, putting a hand on his back. “I had a dream… of a young woman with curly hair.” Quinton shook his head, his confusion in waking up allowing him to easily make the misstep. “Oh, dreaming of another woman are you?” Imna smirked, and slapped him on the back as she rolled over again. “No, not like that.” Quinton grunted. “I don’t know why I can’t sleep as well anymore…”   “Well, with all the help we have now you’re not wearing yourself out chasing the children all day. I’m sure that’s all there is to it. Just go back to sleep, you’ll get used to it soon. Goodnight, dear.” Imna rolled over unperturbed and was soon fast asleep. Quinton laid back down, but sleep did not come easily. He thought about his dream, in which he had seen a couatl become the curly haired woman. He had seen sigils, a name in Celestial: Simone. The vision had been recurring ever since the encounter with the red dragon, as if the baptism in lava had awoken something within him.   Early the next morning Quinton gave up on his sleep, and made his way to the chapel for morning prayers. He gave his greetings to the Michelle Nearwood as she tended the fountain, ensuring the water was blessed and clear, and soon took a familiar position before the altar to Ilmater. He read the familiar passages, and spoke the litanies, affirming his beliefs and settling into a familiar rhythm.   “Ye don’t ask for much d’ye. In fact ye don’ even talk to Him.” A gruff dwarven accent growled from behind Quinton. There stood a 4’9”, 152 lb dwarf in vestments of Ilmater. Quinton looked the dwarf over with a placid face, barely registering the insult. “Ah, a traveling brother. You are welcome to our Home. Have you come seeking service?” Quinton stood and gave a neat bow to the dwarf. “No brother me, Father. Father Wallace Carmichael, and if I was seeking communion I’d do it meself.” The dwarf squinted at Quinton, judging him top to bottom. “Of course, faith is a private matter. Our Home welcomes those of the faith, and those in need. If you are not here seeking services, perhaps a place to rest would do?” Quinton swept his hand upwards towards the guest lodging areas.   “Well at least the hospitality part was right. It’s a sad sight to see the rest of the rumors weren’t. Aye, I’ll take ye up on that. It has been too long since I’ve spent time among the brothers and sisters.” The dwarf turned heel as if to leave the room. “I beg your pardon? Rumors surrounding our home?” Quinton looked at the dwarf with some concern now, considering the dangers that were seeking some of Hyssop Home’s tenants. “Aye, I heard tell there was a man like you here, heard he were something to see. Heard he looks a rather lot like you, and I came t’see but just found a priest reading from the book and saying the litanies like it weren’t no different than a song.” The dwarf grumbled along as he passed through the aisle.   Quinton regarded the dwarf for a moment, considering his words carefully. “Our faith is different to us all. I offer my service and speak his words.” Quinton smiled peaceably at the dwarf, hoping to diffuse the situation. “Aye laddy, you speak his words but when is the last time you spoke with Him? Ye got him set up on an altar with yourself bending knee, ‘offerin’ service’ PFAH! I bet yer one of them penance lovers too, aren’t ya now?” The dwarf turned back, a contrary twinkle in his eye as he watched Quinton.   “Father Carmichael,” Quinton began sternly. “I know not what you have heard on the road, and what disappointment you carry. I forgive your words, and hope that a soft bed shall soothe whatever soreness of body and mind the road has wrought on you. Michelle, could you show Father Carmichael to a room?” Quinton stopped following the dwarf, hoping to find him better company at a future date and watched as the young wide-eyed acolyte Michelle lead Wallace from the room.   Quinton breathed from his nose, his face once again returning to a placid state as he turned back towards the altar, once again kneeling in prayer. The dwarf’s words however rang in his ears; it was true after all. Quinton did not address his prayers to Ilmater. Long ago in Berdusk when he abandoned his mission and left the treatment of the plague to the brothers and sisters of his order to take in the orphaned children of the tragedy he had left the church proper and given up on being a cleric. At that time he had stopped praying for Ilmater’s favor, never again asking for divine intervention. But his faith had never wavered, and his studies had never stopped. The magic had come to him with practice, but his connection with Ilmater was very different.   Quinton found the familiar position uncomfortable for once, and did something he had not done in decades. He looked up at the altar as he prayed. The words came haltingly and felt unnatural to him, very different than his normal rote prayers. He struggled to find a place to start, and though he reached out tentatively he was almost relieved when no answer was immediately forthcoming. Quinton was thankful that the chapel was empty this early in the morning and that his strange prayers had gone unheard by others. Quinton stood and prepared to launch himself into the routine of his day. The vision of his dreams and the words of the dwarf haunted him, however.   That evening Quinton considered the name he had seen, Simone. A name held great power. Quinton gathered his strength and made his way out of Lerwick, to a place safe enough to complete the ritual. He constructs a inverted magic circle of stones, and after infusing it with power calls forth the Celestial name, Simone. Opalescent motes of light begin to congeal, each one the scale of a Couatl as it materializes before Quinton. “Ahh, you have called for me at last. I have reached for your dreams for some time. I am Simone, you are Quinton.” The couatl’s telepathic voice sounded matter of factly in Quinton’s head.   “Why have you appeared in my dreams?” Quinton regarded the couatl with deep respect, but some suspicion. “We serve a common god and a common purpose. I am His messenger.” The couatl floated within the column of the magic circle, regarding Quinton. Quinton took a few moments to respond, considering the words for deceit. “Very well, I accept his judgment. It has been long coming.” Quinton turned his palms upward and released the magic circle. Simone laughed in his mind. “A learned man, a faithful man, but a stubborn one. Ilmater is many things; his portfolio includes forgiveness. Whatever trespass you believe you have made was long forgiven in His eyes, it is only for you to give yourself the strength to forgive yourself.”   Simone drifted to the ground, and as she did she took the form of a graceful and lithe sun elf standing 5'8" and 137 lbs. Her warm deeply sun-kissed skin highlights a toned body under loose white robes embroidered in red cord. “llmater called upon you once before, and you believed you had failed him. Regardless you have served, never seeking guidance nor communion. Ilmater calls on you once again. He sends His messengers to be your guides, and to join your strength with. Will you speak with him once more?”   Quinton considered the words carefully, and simply nodded, his mouth going dry. “Forgive yourself, as He forgives. Join your strength with His, as He joins His strength with you.” Quinton stood, and for the first time in over two decades he spoke from the heart to his god…   Quinton returned to Hyssop Home that night, introducing Simone to Hyssop Home and having her set up with a room and a place among the people. He lead the night services with a renewed zeal, channeling Ilmater’s words and meaning with his words, no longer simply reading from the service books. It was uncharacteristically passionate for the man, and his words carried unusual strength, filling those around him with determination and a sense of connection via the threads of life which bind us all.   After the service Quinton found the dwarf among those in the pews. “Aye, well maybe ‘twere something to the rumors after all then. I may have to stay here a while after all.” The dwarf seemed pleased, far less confrontational than in the morning. “Those of the faith are always welcome in Hyssop Home, good father. Please, stay as long as you like.” Quinton gave another small bow, and moved on down the pews.   “What rumors were you talking about, Father Carmichael?” A white haired dwarf sitting beside him on the pew, Brother Bergram Flint rubbed his beard and adjusted his spectacles. “Aye, they said there were a saint here…” Father Carmichael’s eyes watched Quinton as he slowly filtered out of the chapel with the congregation.   Quinton levels up to 18, taking his 18th level in Theurgist Wizard of the Life Domain. His reconnection with Ilmater has begun him on the Saint’s Path, as the healing divinity of Ilmater radiates from his words and touch. Quinton has gained the Spell Mastery feature, mastering Healing Word and Lesser Restoration. Individuals have begun to travel to Hyssop Home on hearing rumors of a man who can heal the injured with his words, and who can cure the blind and ill with but a touch. Quinton learns the spells Commune, as he once again becomes capable of communing with Ilmater, and Holy Aura. He becomes capable of unleashing his Channel Divinity a third time between rests, empowering his magic or washing over his allies with the energy of salvation.   Quinton has contracted with a Couatl which has taken the form of a sun-elf monastic named Simone. Simone is a couatl which has taken on the form of a sun elf martial arts adept. A celestial in service of Ilmater, Simone has begun to live among those of the prime material plane seeking to bring the lessons of Ilmater to others.   Simone is a practitioner of the Broken Fist Style of martial arts. The style is founded in the healing arts and is based on the principles of pressure points, acupuncture and therapeutic rehabilitation. Followers of the Broken Fist Style believe that if you must harm a foe you should experience the force that you deliver them, as such Simone fights bare-handed. Her hands and arms are covered in scars which have been tattooed over, as each wound serves as a reminder of the cost of harming others.   Simone came to Hyssop Home after connecting with Quinton in his dreams. She resonated strongly with the message and symbol of the hyssop: Sacrifice, Cleanliness, Healing.   Simone chose to form a contract with Quinton Arnjaunor, at Ilmater's behest, seeing him as a master under which she could expand her healing skills and spiritual depth. She swore to serve as his guardian and protector after witnessing his selflessness and willing to suffer for others. Simone seeks to match his sacrifice.
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