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Sessions run before Driftriver was opened to the public. Uktar 1493 - Hammer 1494

  • 1493

    20 /10

    Uktar 20

    Mists still rising in the vicinity of Driftriver, a horrific Behydra makes its way to the banks of the Ashaba and attempts to end the lives of those called on to fight it. Rajit, Gilbert, Groshka, Marinette, Nyx, and Cass fight on and are victorious.

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  • 1493

    17 /11

    Uktar 17

    The Mists rising around Driftriver propel a myriad of creatures into the river, with monstrosities abounding… and a Kraken making its way to attack those that answer the call! Theodore, Groshka, Grohck fight valiantly and survive their battles in defending the town.

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  • 1493

    24 /11

    Uktar 24

    A burning lake in the vicinity of Driftriver draws the attention of B.A.S.E. Theodore went at the request of BASE to explore a burning lake in Deepingdale. The lake is a holy place to Labelas Enoreth, Lake Eredruie. Theodore saved a number of 'damsels in distress' who had drifted through time to the lake. The temporal lich Cergos was pilfering the future memories of the time travelers, and drained their knowledge of the future. The party battled back, and then sealed a new time rift. Moyra Fireforge, Zairissia, and Kyrie were instrumental to the mission’s success.

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  • 1493

    26 /11

    Uktar 26

    Theodore, Rowan, and Grochk were dispatched to assist the Abbey of the Just Hammer. They arrived to find the Abbey under siege from an army of fiends. The battle raged, and as a portal spit out horrible monsters the priest of Torm in the Abbey called out for a Divine Intervention. With the strike of a hammer, Hulfgar Nearwood was called forward by his god, and he arrived to defend Torm's faithful. The party turned back the army, including a pair of pit fiends, and the Abbey was successfully defended.

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  • 1493

    30 /11

    Uktar 30

    The party meets a dickish goblin named Alfonso who runs Alfonso’s Beer and Cheer, a dive bar by the bank of the river, in Driftriver. Racism is part of his religion, against elves, anyway, and he relays the instructions to go meet the gentleman Francois something something something who had a job for the party to travel elsewhere and kill a fearsome creature and bring it’s parts back to him to use in experimentation and whatnot. Going and meeting Francois Garand Jepord the XIII, they receive their task and proceed through a portal-linked object to go and slay a massive, multi-faceted insectoid creature. Retrieving it’s silk and chitin for the odd mage, the party of Theodore, Grohck, Moyra, Rajit and Ma’kao manage to survive and live to fight another day.

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  • 1493

    1 /12

    Nightal 1

    Francois Garand Jepord the XIII has another task for agents of B.A.S.E. Assembling a party consisting of Moyra, Rajit, Theodore and Grohck, he assigns them a task to deal with a terrifying set of creatures, bringing back relevant parts to the mage for study and experimentation.

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  • 1493

    7 /12

    Nightal 7

    Captain Darren's Fancy Ferry was attacked by the Patchsale Pirates! Despite a dastardly attack, the cunning guards of the ferry were able to protect the nobles on the ferry! The Patchsail pirates retreated, but the guards later met up with them for an ale. What in the world is going on in this city?!

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  • 1493

    8 /12

    Nightal 8

    B.A.S.E. had some issues in the sewers come to their attention, and dispatched some agents to handle the issues therein. Creatures were slain and blockages removed.

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  • 1493

    11 /12

    Nightal 11

    After some quick questions to Lady Marsh Morrian, the party quickly made their way to the manor. Along with the children, they found a few friendly little spiders. While the maze was pretty straight forward, they found that waiting in the center was a mysterious creature that didn't fight until provoked. Even transporting them to different parts of the maze. In the end, the creature promised to leave and the children were all returned.

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  • 1493

    12 /12

    Nightal 12

    After taking on a job from Alfonso in his Beer and Cheer, Ruwen meets an old face and has a chat with his drunken self, before heading off with a new party to a farm. Finding the farm, the party assesses the situation and heads north to the river, and then finds a crocodile with a fellow adventurer inside. They free him, and find some toads that ate some of the farmhands they’re looking for.. but one got away. They find Nana’s house, assail the old woman, and eventually leave when Gilitanis finds tracks and no signs of violence at Nana’s house. Getting back to the farm, seems like Lemmy is fine and fishing in the side stream, and Frederick gives the party their token for a job well done.

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  • 1493

    13 /12

    Nightal 13

    Alfonso grouchily recruited the party to take care of a little goblin problem that's followed him to Driftriver. The group investigates the goblin camp posing as representatives of the town, working on the goblins to inspect their camp and offering them jobs in the town… before returning the next day and burning down their camp and killing them all, discovering a drow amongst their camp and driving it off. They return to Alfonso and report in, and he sends them on their way with their job chit fulfilled.

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  • 1493

    15 /12

    Nightal 15

    With Hulfgar drunkenly confronted, he undrunks himself, and has a chat with the adventurers accosting him in Alfonso’s bar. Then there’s a cutaway scene, where an orc and a child are messing with magic, and something goes wrong! Back to Driftriver, a rumbling begins, before a huge crash is heard, as on the eastern outskirts it explodes with several buildings crashing into the fields. The party rushes to find a portal rent into the Far Realm spewing out horrifying monsters that were already eating people. They heroically charge in and fight their way inside the ruined orphanage and save all the kids, except for Timmy, who tries to fix his mistake, and ends up sucked into the portal. A few new faces are brought forth from the disaster, an orcish bard, Zug Zugger, a magical donkey, Champ, a priest, Quinton, and several others. In the aftermath, Kali offers much aid, healing many folks with the aid of the rest of the party, and offering shelter to folk that were displaced by this. All in all, a job well done…? But what happened to Timmy… and those Nothics… and why is that one lady twitching funny?

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  • 1493

    16 /12

    Nightal 16

    Contracted by ‘da bestest orc bard of all times’ Zug Zugger, the party is asked to retrieve three books from a place in the northern part of Driftriver. Which appears to be the public library! Venturing inside, Ding grabs onto an iron balls’ appendage and it zaps him! Starting a battle amongst the stacks. Mostly surviving, the party heads downstairs and confronts an unnamed dude in his lab, with his new Nothic buddies hanging out that look oddly familiar, and Fang threatens a book he found in a locked room that he ‘unlocked’. After tense negotiations, the Necromancer frightens Fang and makes him drop it, and run away from the book, while the party is engaged by Nothics. A tense battle goes back and forth for a few moments before the party is victorious, finds the books they were asked to find, and notes on one, notes about Timmy, A Well Saga. Returning the books, the party is lauded as good guyz and things move on. The same day, a party issues forth to work at a mission issued by some Thayan that arrived into Driftriver. Traveling to a distant location and beginning their investigatory work. They began heading out to uncover what creature had left 2 survivors out of a group of 16.

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  • 1493

    17 /12

    Nightal 17

    The party hired by Thayans continued their expedition, they found undead creatures with worms consuming flesh. Easily dispatched they continued exploring and located the source of a loud banging within this ancient research facility. It ensued into an epic boss battle which was quite powerful and quite close to many falling but the party endured.

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  • 1493

    18 /12

    Nightal 18

    The party ventured from the research facility and headed to candlekeep where they were summoned by the great readers. they broke a teleportation tile which flew them to a ruined area in which they followed some magic. They explored and face down some undead and fiends in a series of puzzles.

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  • 1493

    20 /12

    Nightal 20

    The party finished exploring and passed the puzzles and met an archlich, Rhaugilath the Ageless. They then freed an elf sorcerer. They had a big epic boss fight and had multiple deaths throughout it but revived mid fight! They made it out alive, returning to Driftriver and reporting in their mission's success. Also on this day: With a member of Hyssop Home still missing after the crashing arrival of the home to the outskirts of Driftriver, a taskforce is assembled to go after Sorn. The group rescued Sorn from a gravitic demiplane. They discovered that He Who Dwells has a special interest in 'Uncle Sorn' and were accosted by strange mutated creatures that spark memories, before managing to get back to Driftriver before becoming trapped upon the odd demiplane.

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  • 1493

    26 /12

    Nightal 26

    Zug Zugger told a magical tale of horror and woe, where the characters played out a heroic holiday attempt to free the soul of Saint. Giftolas from Krampus Reborns’ evil ritual. Sadly our heroes failed this holiday season.. Returning to the tavern where they’d begun the odd tale, they commiserate over a few drinks before returning to their homes. Unfortunately, this meant that Holidaymas did not occur this year, and children across the realms were denied their coal and or presents from the strange, benevolent fey spirit.

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  • 1493

    28 /12

    Nightal 28

    A party was sent with an archaeology expert and a dwarven expert to suss out problems coming from an abandoned dwarven mining area in the forests south of Driftriver. They discovered a lot of fungal infestation caused by mercury blighted plants. They cleansed the source of the blight and returned to B.A.S.E.

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  • 1494

    4 /1

    Hammer 4

    Ashleigh, Kaylee, and Marcelina were asked to investigate a missing person related to the Silverflow clan of dwarves. Their forge had been unearthed, and there concerns that she had been kidnapped in relation to possible magic linked to her clan. The three explored the underground forge and after some heated encounters rescued the grateful Silverflow maiden.

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  • 1494

    5 /1

    Hammer 5

    A large new party of fresh recruits is assembled. The party worked together to track down what was destroying a farmers crops. The party found it to be a small group of owl bears and was able to be sure they will not bother the farmer again. As they were returning to give their report to B.A.S.E., they settled a rogue animal that was disturbing the city’s outskirts and finally managed to make their way back to complete their report. On this same day, the fabled hunter, Roniz Sleazemaw, arrived in Driftriver, and worked to assemble a suitable hunting party for an expedition to the Thunder Peaks. Roniz Sleazemaw leads Lionell, Gilitanis, Baldan, and Kallo on a hunt into the Thunder Peaks. They caught two incredible Chimeragraphs with cats and dogs and wombat bunnies with penguin tummies... what? Nonetheless, they all manage to return safely to Driftriver after their assignment is complete.

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  • 1494

    7 /1

    Hammer 7

    Some strange happenings are reported around an unusual building. Grohck, Grimm, Rowan, and Teris investigated the unusual building and soon discovered it to be some type of station for an odd wagon that moves on steel rails. The party puzzled their way through the odd toy-like creatures on the train. The party ended up fighting the train engine and suplexed the train. They manage to exit and report back afterward.

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  • 1494

    10 /1

    Hammer 10

    Days after the strange ‘train’ incident, the sleazy goblin proprietor of Alfonso’s Beer n Cheer, Alfonso manages to get some adventurers inside for a drink, when there’s an explosion of some kind just outside, and down the street. Rushing to attend to the incident, a crazed skeletal figure is leading a mass of zombies and slaad’s to attack the citizenry, which is swiftly combated by the brave adventurers that answer the call. A glowing apparition of what was once a child appears over the fountain being fought around, and zaps a couple of slaad’s out of reality, before simply banishing the maddened bony figure to a realm other than the material. The soft sounds of sirens greet the party with a ‘Wee….. Woo…’ as a cleaning crew comes to tidy up the streets.

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  • 1494

    13 /1

    Hammer 13

    A party accompanied a strange dwarven treasure hunter named Lunk into a cave of treasures. They cleaned the place out and made it back to Driftriver, despite a few very close scrapes involving lizardfolk and odd cave creatures.

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  • 1494

    19 /1

    Hammer 19

    A party gathered to fight off a towering, massive Golem-Creature that was stomping its way towards a nearby settlement. They managed to intercept it and put it down before it was much of a danger to any innocents.

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  • 1494

    20 /1

    Hammer 20

    A group of clerics and paladins went to investigate a shroud of negative energy that had washed over a small farming village a day and a half north of Driftriver. What remained of the farmers were the walking dead, but they were soon dispatched and the blight curtailed. Reporting the tragedy back to HQ, they were left with few answers beyond the solution they’d managed.

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  • 1494

    26 /1

    Hammer 26

    A party investigated some missing traders and discovered a den of Maglubiyet worshipping Goblins who were making blood sacrifices to their god. They cleaned the den out and B.A.S.E. sent a recovery team to tidy up the remaining mess left in their wake of goblin-purging.

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  • 1494

    28 /1

    Hammer 28

    Being promised free ice cream, a group of beginning adventurers swept the beach of flying lizards, monkeys and grabby drowned and starved vampires. They kept from murdering the one sane noble vampire that survived the shipwreck and brought Katharina back into town.

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  • 1494

    29 /1

    Hammer 29

    A small group of B.A.S.E. employees are dispatched to retrieve glue from a strange place. Sent through a portal, they make their way around a strange, goopy forested place, clearing out creatures and gathering their sticky remains to return back to Francois Garand Jepord XIII.

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