Tiub Gates
The ancient city of Tiub has featured in many stories and historical records. It's considered to be one of the most important settlements being at the very start of human civilisation. After three thousands years of it existence, through many ups and downs, the ruling class finally succumbed to the many attack of the raiders and completely fell apart followed by a long period of dark ages. Slowly and surely after many centuries, some people settled near the ruins, an occasional village would pop here and there, but the area has never been able to reclaim its former glory. The pattern of the mists and wheather also changed over the time and it wasn't as sustainable or profitable to live in or near that place anymore. The civilisation has moved elsewhere, and by that we mean mostly the commerce, so the people followed, the ruins were left to rot and the monsters have find their new hideouts.
There was not much left of Tiub when it disappeared of the maps completely or was deemed too insignificant to even draw it. In the recent years it has been included as a warning to what place is best to avoid, since it faces infestations with many weird things and creatures. But usually only the Tiub Gates get drawn as the most prominent landmark there is. Not many people know actually where the gates lie exactly. The island where it lay seem to have moved with the times as well. On some really strong tides, you can see their outlines from the north east coast.
The gates and some other tiubian symbols also frequently feature in many spiritual groups and teachings as a sign that people should learn more from the past and either prevent our current civilisation to be spoiled and subsequently lost as Tiub was, or it is seen as a place where lies infinite wisdom that should be rediscovered and not allowed to be forgotten completely. The Ocean of Light believes, that once the Great Tide comes, the gates will light up and show the next direction towards ascension and will lead people to eternal life and glory as it did for the many people that lived there thousands of years ago.