Karthani Atifakh
Karthani agreement between employer, the Sable Tower and the magi employed. These detailed, specific documents bind the employed magician with the words written upon them by authorised persons. So long as the employer does not break the terms of the contract, this document will keep its power. Failure is not an option for the magi of the Sable Tower, and a death clause is written into every atifakh. Should a magus in the field break their contract for any reason, should they betray the Sable Tower's secrets, should they fail their employer while the contract lasts, they will be seized by magical convulsions and die.
Karthani are masters of executing the letter of the contract when it suits their goals, and many of the magi bound by the Sable Tower are held by their True Names. These contracts similarly bind them, and thus are worded with the utmost care by the magi who scribe them. The contract's magic only binds so long as the contract is whole, and atifakhs are are written on simple parchment. It is the client's responsibility to ensure the document's safety. The Sable Tower demands upfront payment for contracts, when they first signed and when they are amended or renewed.
Atifakhs are written by magi who specialise in binding magic. Because this magic uses the True Names of magi, the Tower must trust these writers with the knowledge of the magic that binds them to the Tower's service. Atifakh writers are observed closely, both inside and outside the Tower. In exchange for their privacy, they are handsomely rewarded.
Recovered fragments of an Atifakh
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