Neovictorian Ethnicity in Earth 216 | World Anvil
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The Upper Class

The upper class are descended from the grand families who supported the first Emperor in his dream. Despite the luxuries, the wealthy are still restricted. Aside from the IAN, upper class people are confined to the city. Their diet is better. Men usually go on to work as administrators or officers in the IAN. A few train as physicians, to attend to other rich folks, or vicars. Most don’t work at all leading a life of leisure. Upper class women are expected not to work. They might be permitted a small hobby and may attend social functions and balls. They may even have an allowance, to spend in the trade blocks. But women are generally encouraged to stay at home.  

The Lower Class

The lower classes live in huge walled of blocks – slum complexes which are ruled by the upper class administrators and where rules are enforced by a largely automaton police force. Work is assigned to the lower classes by upper class administrators. They mainly work in factories, fling to and from work in long ragged lines. A few work in tiny shops, serving gin and selling the few pitiful products that are available to the poor. Fewer still serve in the better shops, adjacent to the rich estates, which offer a wider range of goods. Some supplement their income through criminal activities, such as smuggling, extorting from others, and vice.   Lower class children go to work as soon as they are able, and are given no education, aside from basic instruction in their trade (literacy is only taught by parents handing down the skill or, for the few that bother to attend, at Sunday school, when there is a chaplain that offers one). Population control (no-one is permitted more than two children) and curfews are strictly enforced, and freedom of movement is very limited.


Major language groups and dialects


Common Etiquette rules

Upper class Neovictorian society is governed by strict social rules. Appearances are everything, manners should be adhered to and vulgarity is to be avoided. Many topics are considered not fit for polite discussion. There is an accepted order to the day, and it is expected that the household is presentable and acts with decorum at all times. People do gossip, but they are careful with whom they gossip (and don’t do it in front of the servants).
Children are expected to be seen and not heard, and sparing the rod is said to spoil the child.

Common Taboos


Historical figures


Gender Ideals

Neo Victorians are an unfortunatly gender biased lot, Men should be stowick, unflappable, strong and the providers for their household. Women should be demure, obediant and consern themselves with house keeping and raising the children. This attitude is less preverlent among the poor and their are plenty who buck these traditions.


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