Earthdawn West Marches

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Welcome to Earthdawn West Marches!

This is a sandbox-style game based on Earthdawn 4th Edition in the West Marches campaign-style, centered around the kingdom of Throal just after the gates have opened with the passing of the Scourge! You will play as a new adventurer taking their first steps out into an unexplored wilderness that has been ravaged by both the passing of time and the terrible influence of the Horrors.
Each adventure will pit you up against new challenges and ally you with other adventurers like yourself!

For an explanation of what a West Marches campaign is, go to this video and this blog.

Important Links

Our Primary Discord server, where the game is played and general Out-of-Character communication happens.
Our Secondary Discord server, where non-adventure role-playing and socializing happens.
Our Forums for posting adventures and character sheets.
Our Roll20 Table. (Must be logged in to Roll20 to join)
Google Calendar for planning session schedules
Official Earthdawn 4th Edition Errata and FAQ
Pandas Gaming Grove Earthdawn developer makes custom elements that could not make it into the books.