Crown’s Guard

A Crown’s Guard is an elite four-person security unit tasked with defending the life of a monarch, a monarch’s consort, or an heir apparent. The unit was created during the Second Age of Eden, and has been regularly employed by royalty every since.


Nine Crown’s Guard units comprise a Platoon Royal and these units rotate posts at regular intervals. One team is posted within arm’s reach of their charge, one team patrols the perimeter of the charge’s location in a clockwise direction, and one team patrols the perimeter in a counter-clockwise direction. Three teams remain on standby while the final three sleep.


Smaller or developing nations have been known to use fewer units, but the nine-unit Platoon Royal has become the standard.



Each Crown’s Guard unit is comprised of four individuals, typically recruited from the infantry of the nation’s professional standing army.


Each soldier in the unit is equipped with a ranged weapon; a melee weapon; and lightweight body armor, typically crafted from dragon scales.


The ranged weapon used by Crown’s Guard soldiers has varied over time, beginning with the bow and arrow and moving on to crossbows, muskets, rifles, and, eventually, automatic weapons. Conversely, the melee weapon employed has remained constant over time but varies from country to country.


Highlanders prefer longswords, Neverlanders the cutlass, and Motherlanders the rapier, for example. Other countries prefer axes, spears, or blunt weapons like hammers, clubs, and maces. The Crown’s Guard for an elven monarch might use a stoy.

Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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Jul 11, 2024 21:52 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love Crown Guard and Platoon Royal. It's fun that the ranged weapon has changed over the years but the melee one has remained the same.

Emy x
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Jul 12, 2024 01:02 by E. Christopher Clark

I thought that would be a fun touch and I'm glad you agreed!

Enroll in Yesterland Academy today!
Jul 17, 2024 02:27 by Chris L

This is cool. Now I want to see what a Bekiskipan Crown Guard summoned from the past would look like!

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Jul 17, 2024 22:38 by E. Christopher Clark

Ooh, challenge accepted! I gotta make that happen eventually.

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Aug 19, 2024 23:51 by Marjorie Ariel

It's interesting that all of the countries use the same formation. I wonder how that came to pass.

Aug 20, 2024 03:53 by E. Christopher Clark

A very good question. It's my intent that the formation was created by the so-called False Kings, a sort of secret society who brought it to each of their kingdoms. The people of each country eventually grew to hate the False Kings, but they like the Crown's Guard idea and so kept it around.

Enroll in Yesterland Academy today!
Aug 21, 2024 03:28 by Marjorie Ariel

I mean, it's often the case that societies keep remnants of things from cultures that opressed them or that may seem incongruous for other reasons, so very fitting.

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