
Pixies are an ethnic group of fae distinguished by their tiny stature and incredibly potent magic. All fairies can change their size and appearance at will, but Pixies, as a culture, have opted to compress their innate power into the smallest package possible. They believe that this sacrifice grants them more control over their magic and makes them capable of even more incredible feats than their larger brethren.


In the years before the Great Famine of 126–127, the Pixies called Fatherland home. But in the aftermath of the Fight for the Field of Plenty, this culture was scapegoated, ostracized, and exiled. And so, for the remainder of the Second Age of Eden, the Pixies were a people without a home.


Social Structure

As is the case in all fae cultures, Pixie families are found families. Pixies, after all—like all fairies—are born when a dream comes true. This means, of course, that they don’t have biological parents or blood relatives to provide a social/family structure from the start. Instead, Pixies seek out others of their kind who were born in the same area or who share the same skills or interests.


Pixie families are highly fluid, with individuals entering and leaving the group on a regular basis. Pixies follow their sparks, after all, and they are prone to strong fits of wanderlust.


A group of Pixie families living together for mutual advantage is called a colony. But as with families, the population of colonies is constantly shifting.



Pixies love beautiful places, happiness, and a bit of well-mannered frivolity. Though some enjoy making mischief for a bit of fun, Pixies almost never act with malicious intent. Mostly, they play tricks and make jokes to lighten a person’s mood or brighten their spirits. Under very special circumstances, however—such as when a strong emotion overwhelms them—they can turn cruel.


Pixies praise detachment from the physical, preferring to keep and “own” only what they can carry. And yet, their capacity for spiritual and/or emotional attachment knows no limits. When a Pixie falls in love with someone, it’s for life. But while this might sound nice, it can get a Pixie into a great deal of trouble. Why? Because Pixies expect the same devotion in return. And when they don’t get it, anger, sadness, and jealousy consume them.



Pixie use both occupational and toponymic surnames—occupational if they are born with a strong desire to do a certain kind of work in the world and toponymic if they are not born with such a desire.


Given names are chosen by the individual and are occasionally changed over the course of a lifetime.


In Pixie culture, the surname comes first and the given name come second.

Total Population
7.3 million
Notable Members
Tinker Bell
Significant Population Centers
Reekian London


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Jul 5, 2024 14:33 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Aww, I kind of love them. Big power and emotions in a tiny package!

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Jul 5, 2024 16:28 by E. Christopher Clark

Thanks! Yes, as usual, I wanted to take some of the little factoids about Tinker Bell and explain/subvert them. I think there's a line in the original play or book about her being only able to hold one emotion at a time.

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Jul 7, 2024 01:13 by Chris L

A whole race of people with "one-itis". I hate it for myself, but kinda love (like) it for them! There must be a lot of unhappy pixies out there!

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Jul 7, 2024 12:27 by E. Christopher Clark

Yeah, but I think they also fall in love easy. So I think they're mad for a while and then they fall back in love and then maybe they're mad again. Vicious cycle, I guess!

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