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Information Brochure

Join us today, for a better tomorrow.

Our mission

/* This section explains the colonisation mission. Where the initial residents come aboard, to become part of the mission. */

At Ecosys we will make history for the future of Humanity. New Earth is ripe for us to settle, where opportunities await.

We have a long journey ahead of us. New Earth is approximately 100 years away, so it must be our children who will set foot on this new world. Our future is within our grasp. Join Ecosys today, for a better tomorrow.

Our Destination

New Earth is our new land of opportunity, and it is finally within our grasp. Humanity's future lies upon New Earth, as it will be our new home, much like what our ancestors did over 7 centuries ago when the Ancient Europeans found the American continents of Earth. Since then we've landed on Luna, colonised Mars, and then expanded across the entire solar system. At Ecosys we aim to continue the ways of humanity; explore, extend, and excel. To boldly go into the frontier.

Who knows what waits for us there, but together we will find out through our children. Again much like our ancestors' children who colonised the American continents, thrived and transformed humanity as it is today. At Ecosys we aim to transform into tomorrow's humanity. Join us today and become part of humanity's future.


The Artificial Planetary Environment

After decades of hard work, our esteemed employees at Ecosys have built the Artificial Planetary Environment (A.P.E). A collaboration of systems working together to create our home between homes. After all, we aim to cater for your good health and wellbeing.


Experience the journey to New Earth in the comfortable 1g (9.807 m/s) in our ground-breaking A.P.E. Within the centre of our system is the combination of the Gravity Production Unit and the Central Power Unit called, the C.O.R.E.


Part of the A.P.E system is our engineered ecosystem. Enjoy your stay at Ecosys with our unique climates and weather systems, which are tailored to keep our small world full of life. We love nature so much, we are bringing it with us!

Your new Life

With Ecosys, you are able to live the life you want. Here your future is in your hands. Need a second chance? Then become a resident of Ecosys, today, and come with us to New Earth. Start your new life.

New Home

We have a wide range of residences for you to choose from. Always wanted to own that luxurious penthouse your dreamed of or even that exotic manor in the fields? What about that villa by the coast? At Ecosys, your dream home can become reality.

New Career

We also offer opportunities for getting into that dream job you have always wanted. Need training and qualifications? Don't worry, Ecosys provides the state of the art education system, where you can study for the future you desire.

Better Security

Our Ecosys Police Force (EPF) is here to serve and protect you. Your safety is paramount. They are there for you so you can live your life without any worry or stress of criminal activities. Hence during Resident Integration, all residents are required to read our law book and to submit their details for a full criminal record check. Trust the EPF to uphold our law.

Criminals who are caught and guilty of their crimes will be put into our Eco-Criminal Rehabilitation Program. Giving our criminals a second chance they deserve, as well as an education to become better residents for our society.






Become a Resident


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Cover image: by Heffé


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