
The End (Hopeless)


As shadows crept on barren land,
An icy chill did fill the air,
For hope had fled as darkness scanned
The faces sunk in dread despair.


No light reached through the clouded sky
That loomed with shades of dismal gray,
As bitter winds let out a cry
And stole the warmth of life away.


The children whimpered, mothers wept,
While frost did pierce the dying earth,
As this cold plague its victim kept,
And marked the ending day of birth.


All living things now shook with fear
To face the freeze that spelled their doom,
The final winter now was here,
To seal them in an icy tomb.


No ray of light, no spark of fire,
No trace of life may breach the cold,
For all is gripped in icy mire,
As darkness and the ice take hold.


So hope had fled on raven's wings,
No dawn would break the night again.
This frozen world no comfort brings,
All that remains is dread and pain.


This article is currently being worked on. Check back soon!

Cover image: The Spider by Gabrielle Decker


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