Naen the Learned (nɛɪn)

First Messenger of the Aspect Naen Iekage

Naen the Learned, also known as the First Messenger of the Aspect, holds a place of significant veneration in the annals of Eivrall's history. Although the Aspects are viewed as part of a broader folk animist belief system rather than a formal religion, his teachings significantly shaped the spiritual and cultural practices related to these beliefs.

Early Life

Naen was born in the eastern region of the Pyuki Highlands around -29 N.E., where his affable nature and insatiable curiosity about the world around him marked him with a distinctive affinity for the natural world. His tribe recognized his potential and entrusted him to the tribe's spiritual guide, Dorim the Seer. Dorim imparted to Naen deep insights about the natural world, the celestial bodies, and the unseen forces that underpin existence, cementing the young Naen's reputation as a learned one.

Journey and Enlightenment

In his early thirties, Naen took leave from his tribe to embark on a spiritual journey across Eivrall, with the aim of deepening his understanding of the world beyond the Pyuki Highlands. He vanished for several years, evoking much speculation and worry within his tribe. He resurfaced around the age of 40, profoundly changed and bearing the tale of Xoxtris' Breath.

The Tale of Xoxtris' Breath

Upon his return, Naen dedicated his life to sharing the enlightenment he had gained. Naen no longer sought knowledge for its own sake and the centrepiece of his teachings was the tale of Xoxtris' Breath. It is a creation story, a spiritual guide, and a moral compass that serves as the central theme of the Aspects' texts. It illuminated the roles and significance of the Aspects in a way that deeply resonated with the animistic beliefs of his people.

Legacy and Worship

Naen taught the people of his tribe about the Aspects—of their roles, their nature, their powers, and their blessings. Passing on ancient knowledge about the Aspects, Naen's teachings led to a more profound understanding and appreciation of these aspects of nature, inspiring new traditions and practices. His fundamental contribution to the spiritual landscape of Eivrall transformed him into a venerated spiritual guide.

Naen continued to share his wisdom until his peaceful passing at the age of 76. Following his death, his disciples erected a shrine on the site of his former dwelling, which has since become a revered spiritual landmark and one of the stops on a revered pilgrimage.

Today, Naen the Learned is venerated as the foremost prophet of the Xoxtris Pantheon. The wisdom contained within his writings, especially his revelations about Xoxtris' Breath, continue to offer spiritual guidance and solace to many. His likeness is often invoked in annual festivities, particularly during Naen's Dawn, a day commemorating his birth and teachings. His collected writings, including his pivotal work on Xoxtris' Breath, are vital parts of the Aspects’ scriptures. Many follow his teachings, seeking spiritual guidance and solace in his words.

Naen the Learned's life underscores how one individual's pursuit of knowledge can fundamentally shape cultural and spiritual practices and leave a lasting imprint on generations to come. His enduring legacy underpins Eivrall's rich and diverse spiritual tapestry, continuing to guide those who seek a deeper connection to nature and the world around them.

Date of Birth
1968 BE
Date of Death
44 NE
Deep Brown
Jet Black, Shoulder Length, Wavy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light golden-brown
170.18 cm
68 kg
Follower of the Aspects
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Related Myths

Cover image: The Spider by Gabrielle Decker


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