American (Uh-mer-ih-kan)

1500 CE - Present

The American culture in the mortal world is characterized by its vast diversity and rapid innovation. It's a culture that prides itself on its democratic foundations, where freedom and individual rights are deeply ingrained values. Americans are known for their entrepreneurial spirit and their ability to adapt and thrive in various circumstances, which reflects their complex societal fabric that encompasses a wide range of ethnic backgrounds, religions, and traditions. This culture's influence is vast, affecting global trends in technology, entertainment, and politics, making it a central player on the world stage.


Major language groups and dialects

The American culture speaks a variety of English which incorporates terms and phrases from multiple dialects, creating a rich linguistic tapestry. Common variations include influences from the Southern drawl to the clipped tones of the Northeastern states.

Culture and cultural heritage

American culture celebrates a blend of diverse heritages, reflecting the melting pot of its people. Emphasis is placed on individual freedom, innovation, and a pioneering spirit. The culture thrives on the exchange of ideas and values community involvement and civic responsibility.

Shared customary codes and values

Values such as liberty, justice, and the pursuit of happiness are central. There's a strong belief in the power of the individual and a collective responsibility to uphold the community's welfare. Equality and inclusivity are also significant values.

Common Etiquette rules

Politeness and respect for personal space are important. It's common to greet with a light handshake or a nod. Thanking and showing appreciation are customary in daily interactions.

Common Dress code

Casual wear dominates daily life, with an emphasis on practicality and comfort. However, traditional attire for formal events often includes elements like suits and dresses, adapted to the environmental needs.

Art & Architecture

American architecture blends styles with local materials, featuring a mix of skyscraper-filled cityscapes and sprawling suburban homes. Art tends to be eclectic, celebrating both traditional crafts and modern multimedia expressions.

Foods & Cuisine

The cuisine is diverse, with a strong emphasis on fusion dishes that blend elements from various regions. Staple foods include corn, potatoes, and a variety of meats, transformed into hearty meals.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Major holidays such as Independence Day and Thanksgiving are celebrated with parades, communal feasts, and fireworks. Sports and music festivals also play a vital role in communal bonding.

Coming of Age Rites

Coming of age is often marked by a celebration.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Memorials emphasize celebrating the life of the deceased with storytelling and music. Cremation is common, and ashes are often scattered in meaningful places.

Common Taboos

Disrespect towards community and public spaces is frowned upon. Wasting resources or exploiting communal goods for personal gain is also taboo.

Common Myths and Legends

Legends often feature heroic figures who embody American ideals, overcoming adversity through ingenuity and bravery. Mythical creatures from native folklore, like the Thunderbird, are common.

Historical figures

Figures such as innovators, leaders, and heroes from various sectors (technology, politics, arts) are celebrated, each contributing uniquely to the culture's richness.


Beauty Ideals

Beauty ideals in American culture prioritize health and vitality over specific physical attributes. Personal style and expression are highly valued.

Gender Ideals

Gender equality is a fundamental principle, with individuals encouraged to pursue roles and activities that align with their interests and abilities, regardless of gender.

Courtship Ideals

Relationships are typically based on mutual respect and affection. Dating often involves sharing activities that reflect common interests.

Relationship Ideals

Partnerships are seen as collaborations, with a strong emphasis on mutual support, communication, and shared goals. Marriage is common but not mandatory, and other forms of partnership are equally respected.
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