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Annapurna (ahn-nah-PUR-nah)

Indus Valley Deity

Annapurna reigns supreme as the goddess of harvest and nourishment, her essence intertwined with the very cycle of life that sustains the world. She is a bountiful deity, her presence evoking the richness of fertile fields and abundant gardens. Annapurna’s touch awakens the slumbering seeds beneath the earth, coaxing them to reach towards the sun's nurturing embrace. Her domain is a tapestry of lush greenery and golden grains, a testament to her unyielding providence. She appears as a figure of grace and abundance, her form adorned with the hues of nature's harvest – deep greens, rich browns, and vibrant yellows. In her hands, she holds the Cornucopia, an ever-flowing source of sustenance, symbolizing the endless generosity of the earth. Annapurna's voice, warm and melodious, carries the wisdom of ages, echoing the rhythms of nature that dictate the cycles of sowing and reaping. Her eyes, reflecting the depth of fertile soils, offer a glimpse into the heart of the earth, where life begins and flourishes under her watchful care.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Radiant woman with long, flowing black hair, earthy-hued eyes reflecting nature's colors, and a golden glow to her skin. Adorned in vibrant garments, often carrying a golden vessel overflowing with grains and fruits.
3300 BCE 1300 BCE 2000 years old

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