Breuddwydion (bri-DWID-yon)
In the silent world of dreams, the gods whisper to one another across vast distances, their voices the soft murmur of thought that winds its way into the minds of their kin. This ethereal realm serves as their meeting hall, a place untouchable by mortal intervention, where thoughts blend and wills converge in the pursuit of divine agenda. Here, in the tapestry of dreams, they are free to reveal their true selves, to speak in voices unmasked by the necessity of secrecy, to weave the future with threads of thought and visions of what might be.
Their communication is as ephemeral as the dream itself, a connection that leaves no trace in the waking world, yet holds the weight of destinies within its grasp.
Applied Restriction
But this sacred communion is theirs alone, a boundary that cannot be crossed by those who walk the earth. It is a line drawn in the sand of the cosmos, a pact that binds them to silence, ensuring their counsel remains hidden within the shroud of sleep.