Ceardlann Item in El-Sod Elohim | World Anvil

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Ceardlann (KYAR-dlan)

Craftsmanship Competition


Create the most impressive piece using selected materials and traditional techniques within a given timeframe.  


A variety of natural materials (wood, metal, clay, fabric), tools for crafting, and Ogham Stones for material selection.  


1. Each participant draws an Ogham Stone that corresponds to a specific material they must use as the primary element in their creation.
2. Participants have access to a communal pool of secondary materials and tools.


1. Participants have 6 hours to complete their piece.
2. Creations are judged on creativity, technique, and the story or inspiration behind the work.
3. Participants must explain their piece and its connection to the material drawn.
4. Special challenges (e.g., incorporating a specific symbol or theme) can be introduced for bonus points.
5. The participant with the highest score from the judges wins. Audience favorite awards can also be included.
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