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Dur (Door)

Omega Story

As the ages unfold and the universe continues to mature under the vigilant gaze of the gods, the cosmos itself begins to echo the rhythms of its primordial ancestor, the Void. Just as the Void once exhaled to birth the stars, galaxies, and life itself, so too it inspires a cosmic rhythm—an inevitable inhale that will be known among the celestial beings as the Great Realignment.   This Realignment is not an end but a renewal, a grand cosmic respiration that will draw all of creation back towards its original state of unity and potential. It is as if the universe itself, having expanded and explored the extremities of its existence, yearns to return to the serenity of the Void, to reassess and reforge its destiny.   As the time for the Realignment approaches, the gods prepare for the merging of all realms, where every spark of matter and whisper of energy will converge into the singularity from which they once emerged. This is a time of reflection and convergence, where the deeds of all beings, mortal and divine, are to be woven into the fabric of a new creation.   However, not all will return to the embrace of the Void. By design or destiny, three divine realms are ordained to stand apart from the cycle of Realignment, to persist as archives of the cosmos's history and as sanctuaries of stability in the ever-changing sea of creation. One of these is the realm of Tir na nOg, a place so deeply intertwined with the life force of the universe that it is spared from the dissolution of Realignment.   The nature and names of the other two realms remain shrouded in mystery, known only to the Void themself. These realms, each unique in purpose and essence, serve as the keepers of the universal constants, laws that even the Realignment cannot unwind. They are bastions of continuity, ensuring that not all is lost in the cosmic inhalation.   As the universe prepares to contract, drawing all into the singularity, the essence of countless lives and countless stories will be blended and reborn. New galaxies, new stars, and new possibilities will emerge in the aftermath, a universe reborn from the cosmic crucible. Yet, despite this rebirth, echoes of the past will persist, remnants left in the wake of the Realignment—memories and energies that will seed the next cycle of creation.   In Tir na nOg, the beings who anticipate witnessing the Realignment come to understand their unique role in the cosmos. They are to be guardians of memory, carriers of the legacy of the universe before the Realignment. This realization imbues them with a profound sense of duty and purpose—to nurture and protect the continuity of life and wisdom across cycles, preparing for the day when the Void will once again exhale.
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