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Dylanwadu Emosiynol (dyl-AN-wad-ee emo-SEE-on-ol)

Emotional Manipulation

Dylanwadu Emosiynol is a delicate touch upon the heartstrings, a gentle nudge towards peace or inspiration. It is the art of nurturing growth and healing, fostering an environment where understanding and compassion can bloom. This ability to subtly influence the emotions of others is wielded with a profound sense of care, ensuring that the push towards positivity feels like a natural awakening of the soul.
Applied Restriction
The wielder of this power is deeply aware of the sanctity of the individual spirit and the importance of free emotional evolution. Thus, it is bound by a strict ethical code that forbids manipulation for selfish purposes or any action that would cause harm. It is a gift used only to heal, to inspire, and to unify, always leaving the essence of one's free will untouched.

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