Fortitudinis (For-tee-too-DEE-nis)

Physical Challenge

Overview: Fortitudinis is a three-day extreme obstacle course set in the diverse landscapes of Tir na nOg. It blends physical rigor with mental tests, pushing participants to their limits without the aid of supernatural abilities. The course covers various terrains, including mud, water, mountains, and artificial setups that create extreme conditions similar to those found in the most challenging earthly obstacle races.   Objective: To complete the course with the best possible time across three days, overcoming a series of grueling obstacles designed to test physical strength, mental resilience, and endurance.  

Day 1: Swimming + Obstacles

  1. Swimming (Start): The day starts with a challenging swim across a large, natural lake. The water is cold and the currents are unpredictable, testing the competitors' swimming skills and cold tolerance.
  2. Arctic Enema: Immediately after exiting the water, participants plunge into a 34-degree ice pit, heightening the shock to their already cold bodies.
  3. Got Wood?: After recovering from the ice pit, competitors carry heavy logs up and down slippery hills.
  4. Grinder: A low crawl under a net on a gravel path follows, testing resilience and determination.
  5. It's Shocking: The day concludes with a sprint through a field of live wires delivering shocks, pushing competitors to muster their remaining energy and courage to finish strong.

Day 2: Biking + Obstacles

  1. Biking (Start): Participants begin the day with a demanding mountain bike ride through rugged terrains including steep inclines and rocky paths, testing their endurance and biking skills.
  2. Block Head: Midway through the biking course, competitors dismount to tackle the 500 lb blocks in a muddy water pit.
  3. Arachne's Revenge: After remounting and continuing the ride, the next stop is the swaying net climb of the Spider’s Web.
  4. Feel the burn: Near the end of the biking segment, competitors face the Hot-foot (Running through a trench of flaming kerosene-soaked straw, testing speed and courage) and On your Belly (Crawling through a confined, submerged space, testing claustrophobia and breath control) in quick succession, demanding high levels of focus and physical control.
  5. Net Gain: The biking day ends with the massive net climb, a final test of the day’s remaining physical and mental stamina.

Day 3: Running + Obstacles

  1. Running (Start): The final day kicks off with a long-distance cross-country run through varied terrains, including forest trails and open fields.
  2. Balancing Act: Early in the run, competitors must cross the slippery log bridge, challenging their balance and agility when they’re already fatigued.
  3. The Ledge: Midway through the run, the narrow ledge along a steep drop tests their focus and fear management.
  4. Frost-bite: As fatigue sets in, the Frost-bite challenges them to maintain pace under harsh, cold conditions.
  5. Stoned & Pressed: The race and the entire course conclude with Stoned (Dodging and climbing over unpredictably arranged boulders, requiring agility and quick decision-making.) and Pressed (A series of swinging heavy bags to dodge or push through, mimicking the challenge of overcoming dynamic obstacles.), ensuring that participants push through to the end with every ounce of strength and determination they have left.
No Supernatural Powers: Only natural human abilities are permitted.
Mandatory Obstacles: All obstacles must be attempted; skipping any will result in disqualification.
Safety Compliance: Participants must use all designated safety equipment and follow course guidelines to ensure their safety and the fairness of the competition.
Solo or Team Participation: Entrants can compete individually or as part of a team, but team scores will be based on the average of individual times.
Checkpoints: Competitors must check in at designated checkpoints each day. Missing a checkpoint leads to penalties.

Unforeseen Challenges
Participants of the Fortitudinis should be aware that while this document outlines the primary obstacles and challenges expected during the competition, the nature of the course is dynamic and unpredictable. As such, competitors may encounter additional obstacles not listed here at any point along the course. These unforeseen challenges are designed to further test your adaptability, resilience, and decision-making under pressure. Competitors are expected to tackle these surprises with the same spirit and determination as the scheduled obstacles. Prepare for the unexpected, and embrace each challenge as an opportunity to demonstrate true fortitude and ingenuity.
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