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Mathew Brady

Historic Fantasy

Mathew Baldung Brady

Mathew Brady was one of the earliest photographers in American history, best known for his scenes of the Civil War. He studied under inventor Samuel F. B. Morse, who had brought the daguerreotype method of photography to the United States. Brady's efforts to document the Civil War on a grand scale by bringing a team of photographers to the battlefields earned him fame and financial ruin. His collection, which features portraits of many famous figures such as Abraham Lincoln and General Ulysses S. Grant, remains an important historical legacy.
Historical Figures
Generic article | Sep 15, 2024

Historically inspired people from the Mortal Realm

Date of Birth
January 1, 1822
Date of Death
January 15, 1896
1822 CE 1896 CE 74 years old
Circumstances of Death
Complications following a streetcar accident
Warren County, New York, United States
Place of Death
New York City, New York, United States

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