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Prayer from the faithful

Hey, it's me Morgan

In the Aontacht na nDílse, prayers are intimate and reflective, resembling a diary entry or a casual conversation with a close friend rather than a traditional supplication. They are not meant to ask for favors or blessings but to share the day's experiences, thoughts, and feelings with a member of the Elsod, the divine council overseeing the faithful. This unique form of prayer encourages a deep personal connection between the Dílseoirí and their divine guardians, reinforcing the bonds of trust, friendship, and mutual understanding.  

Example Prayer

Hey there, [Elsod member's name or "Elohim"], it's me, [person's name]. I just wanted to share how my day went with you. It started off pretty routine, but then I had this interesting encounter on my way to work. There was this young mother struggling with her groceries and a crying toddler. I offered to help her out until her destination. It wasn't much, but her gratitude really made me feel like I was part of something bigger.   After work, I took a walk through the park, just enjoying the simplicity of nature and thinking about our connection to the Earth. It's moments like these that I truly appreciate the beauty of our world and our role in preserving it. I also had some time to reflect on some personal challenges I'm facing. It's nothing too serious, but I'm trying to find the best way to deal with them without causing harm or stress to those around me.   Anyway, I just wanted to share these moments with you. Thanks for listening. It means a lot to me to have this connection with you. Until tomorrow, take care.


Every prayer is inscribed in a sacred book, meticulously monitored by the Elsod. This practice serves multiple purposes: it allows the divine beings to stay informed about their followers' lives, fostering a deeper connection and empathy between the divine and the mortal. Additionally, it acts as a source of guidance for the Elsod, helping them to understand the needs, joys, and sorrows of their charges. Intrigued by a particular entry, or moved by a Dílseoir's experiences, a member of the Elsod might choose to visit the individual in person, initiating a conversation or offering companionship and wisdom. This aspect of their faith further blurs the lines between the divine and the mundane, making the deities feel more like family members than distant, unapproachable entities.
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