1948 November 28 - Mexico City, Mexico

Artistic creation


As my time in Mexico City draws to a close, I find myself reflecting on the profound impact of my encounters with Frida Kahlo. Her health has continued to ebb, a tide retreating before my very eyes, yet her spirit remains unbroken, her resolve to create undiminished by the corporeal chains that seek to bind her.

In these final days, Kahlo has completed the portrait she began weeks ago. The experience of sitting for her has been one of silent revelation, a communion of spirits that transcends the need for words. In the canvas, she has captured more than my likeness; she has imbued it with the essence of our shared experiences, the understanding of pain and the celebration of life in all its chaotic beauty.

During our last meeting, she shared with me the joys she finds in the simple pleasures — the caress of sunlight through her window, the laughter of children in the streets, the steadfast companionship of her beloved pets. These moments of reprieve shine through her enduring struggles, a reminder that life, no matter how fractured, is a canvas upon which we paint our defiant hopes and dreams.

As I bid farewell to Frida Kahlo, I carry with me the image of her as both the artist and the muse, her life a poignant masterpiece of resilience. Her legacy, much like the vibrant streets of Mexico City, is a testament to the enduring power of the human spirit to craft beauty from the depths of adversity.

1948 Portrait by Frida Kahlo
1948 Portrait by Frida Kahlo

Related Location
Mexico City, Mexico
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