1500 May 20 – Florence, Italy


Diary, May 20th marked the end of this whirlwind chapter in Florence, and what a finale it was! I gathered all my artist pals for a farewell dinner that was more like a festival. We’re talking a feast fit for a god (which, let's face it, isn't too far off for me).

The evening was a riot of flavors, music, and stories. The table was groaning under the weight of all the food – pasta dishes that’d make you weep, bread that could double as a pillow, and enough wine to fill the Trevi Fountain. We ate, drank, and made merry like there was no tomorrow.

As the night unfolded, everyone took turns sharing their favorite Tak tales. Some were true, some were... embellished, but all were hilarious. I was the star of the evening, with everyone ribbing me about my escapades, from the paint fight with Emilio to my deep chats with Sofia. The laughter was non-stop, the kind that makes your belly ache and your heart light. We reminisced about the art we'd created, the debates we’d had, and the endless nights of revelry. There were promises to meet again, to paint together, to share more laughs and maybe a few more bottles of wine.

When it was time to say goodbye, there were handshakes, hugs, and a few misty eyes. I left them with a final toast, something about art being the soul of life and us artists being the heartbeats. A bit cheesy, but hey, they loved it.

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Florence, Italy
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