1510 May 15 - Florence, Italy

Artistic creation


As my time in Florence draws to a close, I find myself reflecting on the myriad experiences that have filled my days. The city, with its blend of art, history, and daily life, has imprinted itself indelibly upon my soul.

This morning, I revisited the Duomo, its massive dome dominating the skyline. I climbed to the top, the city unfolding below me in a breathtaking panorama. The view from this height was a physical and metaphorical summit of my journey, offering a new perspective on the city I had come to love.

In the afternoon, I found solace in the Boboli Gardens, a haven of green amidst the city's stones. Here, amidst the rustling leaves and blooming flowers, I penned letters to friends, sharing tales of my Florentine adventures.

My final evening was spent at a small trattoria, the food a delightful exploration of Tuscan flavors. As I walked back, the moon cast a gentle glow on the Arno River, a silver ribbon winding through the heart of Florence. In these quiet moments, I contemplated the journey that lay ahead, my heart heavy yet filled with gratitude for the memories forged in this Renaissance gem.

1510 Portrait by Leonardo

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Florence, Italy
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