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1960 June 18 – Grand Canyon, USA


Diary, get ready to be awestruck, 'cause today Tak's exploring the grandest of canyons with a guide who's as mysterious as the place itself!

There I was, standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon, its vastness stretching out like a giant, ancient painting. And there, like a part of the landscape, was Running Wolf, our guide. He was a man of few words but each word carried the weight of wisdom. His long black hair flowed like the rivers below, and his eyes, deep-set and knowing, seemed to hold the secrets of the land. Running Wolf led us through the winding paths, his steps as sure as the ancient rocks beneath our feet. He spoke of the canyon's history, its legends, and its spirit. With every word, the place came alive, whispering its tales through the rustling leaves and the distant cries of eagles.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in fiery hues, we found ourselves at the heart of the canyon. The silence was profound, broken only by the soft echoes of our voices and the distant howl of wolves. It was a moment of pure magic, where time stood still, and the heartbeat of the earth was all that mattered.

And then, under the blanket of stars, Running Wolf and I shared a night of passion that echoed through the canyons. It was primal, intense, a connection as raw and as ancient as the land itself. The kind of night that reminds you of the wild heart beating inside you, untamed and free.

As dawn broke, casting a golden light over the canyon walls, I sketched the scene – Running Wolf and me, two souls briefly intertwined under the vast, starry sky, a moment in time forever etched in the echoes of the canyon.


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