1992 July 11 - Jungles of Colombia

Military action


As my sojourn in the Colombian jungles reaches its denouement, the experiences etched into the canvas of my memory are as vivid and complex as the ecosystem that surrounds me. The final days have been a culmination of reflection, a period to process the multifaceted narrative that I have become a part of.

Márquez, ever the sage, imparted a final piece of wisdom as we bade our farewells. He spoke of the cyclical nature of conflict and peace, much like the seasons that come and go within the jungle. His parting words resonated with a poetic truth, underscoring the notion that while wars are waged and peace is brokered, the true constant is the land and the people who toil upon it.

The echo of our conversations lingers, a reminder that amidst the strife, there is a profound beauty in the endurance of life. The resilience of the communities, the passion of the peacekeepers, and the conflicted hearts of the soldiers – all are threads in the intricate weave of Colombia's current history.

Leaving the jungle, the canopy recedes, giving way to open skies. I carry with me not just the sights and sounds of this place, but the stories and the spirit of its people, indomitably pressing forward. The jungle, with all its paradoxes, stands as a monument to both human folly and fortitude.

1992 South AMerica
1992 South America

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The Jungles of Colombia
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