1852 July 05 – London, England


1852 Charles Babbage
Hey Diary, Back in London, and guess what? I crashed a lecture by Charles Babbage, the brainiac behind the idea of a programmable computer. Think of a brain the size of a steam engine – that's Charlie.

The lecture hall was packed, but I wiggled my way to the front, close enough to catch every word and maybe a bit of that genius vibe. Charlie was all cogs and calculations, spinning tales about machines that could think. I threw in a few well-timed jokes, making the stiff collars in the crowd crack smiles.

After the talk, I cornered the man himself. Babbage, with his wild hair and wide eyes, was a hoot. We bantered about machines, the future, and the odd joke about gears and levers. Charlie's mind runs faster than a locomotive, and I did my best to keep up.

The night led us to a local pub, filled with the clatter of tankards and lively chatter. Over pints, our chat turned to the whimsical, pondering life, machines, and everything in between. I even slipped in some flirtatious jabs – all in good fun, of course.

Charlie's as passionate about his machines as I am about... well, let's say life's finer pleasures. We parted ways with a handshake that lingered a bit longer than usual, a connection made in the realm of intellect and intrigue.

Till next adventure, Tak

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London, England
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