October 28, 1777 - Reflections in the Shadow of Farewells


Location: 29.6454° N, 91.7645° W

Weather: The evening sky, a riot of colors, mirrors the turmoil of emotions as we edge closer to our journey’s end.

The day was spent in a flurry of activity, the Heureux a hive of preparation as land draws near. Conversations with the Baron have taken on a reflective tone, a recognition of the journey's transformative impact and the legacy we hope to leave in its wake. Amidst these strategic deliberations, my interactions with the crew are tinged with a bittersweet awareness of the imminent goodbyes.

In this vortex of anticipation and retrospection, my thoughts are inexorably drawn to Alaric. Observing him amidst the crew, his laughter a rare and cherished sound, I am struck by the depth of my reluctance to contemplate a farewell. Our moments together, once marked by the novelty of discovery, have become sanctuaries of shared understanding and silent companionship.

As night envelops the Heureux, shrouding the ship in a cloak of stars, I find solace in the solitude of our cabin. The act of holding Alaric, a gesture borne of a desire to etch the sensation into memory, has evolved into a nightly ritual, a silent communion amidst the sea's endless whisper. Tonight, as I hold him, the contours of his form a familiar comfort, I am besieged by a storm of contemplation regarding the nature of our parting.

Will the farewell be a silent disappearance into the night, a ghost of presence fading into legend? Or will there be words, a final testament to the bond that has flourished in the shadow of our shared journey? As I grapple with these questions, the certainty of our separation looms large, a specter over the memories we have woven together.

Tonight, as I seek the refuge of sleep, the warmth of Alaric’s presence, the steady rise and fall of his chest, becomes a lighthouse guiding me through the tumult of my thoughts. Holding him, I am anchored by the weight of moments that will soon belong to the past, each breath a silent prayer for the strength to let go when the dawn arrives.

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