2020 June 09 – Los Angeles, California


Dear Diary, strap in for a wild ride through the digital realm! Today, Tak's diving headfirst into virtual reality, where the impossible is just a program away.

So there I was, VR headset on, entering a world crafted from ones and zeros. It's like stepping into a dream – everything's so vivid, so real, yet not. I'm walking through digital landscapes that would make Salvador Dalí go, 'Whoa, that's trippy!'

Enter Zephyr, an avatar with silver hair and neon blue eyes. This guy's not just a bunch of pixels – he's charisma in code form. He's got this enigmatic presence, like he knows all the secrets of this virtual world.

Zephyr shows me around, and it's like being in a video game, but I'm the main character. We're climbing mountains, diving into oceans, and soaring through skies – all within the confines of a room. It's mind-blowing, diary.

But here's where it gets even more 'Black Mirror.' Zephyr and I, we test out this new VR adult toy. Let's just say, it's an experience that blurs the lines between the real and the virtual. It's all fun and games until the darn thing breaks at the most, uh, inconvenient moment. I couldn't stop laughing – talk about a system crash!

After the VR escapade, I take off the headset, back in the real world but still dizzy from the digital one.


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Los Angeles, California
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