1960 June 07 – Alabama, USA


Hey Diary, today's entry isn't just about fun and games. It's about a moment in history, a moment that shook the world and stirred the soul.

I found myself in Alabama, in the thick of the civil rights movement. The air was charged with the energy of change, of voices rising together to sing the song of freedom. And there, leading the march, was Martin Luther King Jr. – a man whose words could move mountains and calm storms.

I joined the march, feet pounding the pavement, surrounded by a sea of faces, all united for a single cause. Dr. King's voice echoed through the streets, each word a beacon of hope in a world of darkness. It was powerful, diary, like a wave of pure, unyielding strength washing over everything.

After the march, I had the honor of speaking with Dr. King. His presence was like standing in the sun – warm, bright, and life-giving. We talked about justice, about dreams, and about the future. He spoke with such passion, such conviction, it made my heart swell with admiration and my soul yearn for a world as beautiful as the one he envisioned. It was a day of reflection, of understanding the struggles and triumphs of others. It wasn't a day for romance or revelry, but for standing with my brothers and sisters in their fight for equality.


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